Research field (9):
Biomedical engineering
, Medical systems
, Machine materials and mechanics
, Nano/micro-systems
, Mechanics and mechatronics
, Nanobioscience
, Cell biology
, Obstetrics and gynecology
, Cardiology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (15):
2023 - 2027 Non-invasive assessment of 3D tissue constructs for regenerative medicine and cell transplantation
2023 - 2026 Development of the ovulation induction for infertility with ovulation failure based on mechanobiology
2021 - 2023 光応答性マイクロロボットによる胚移植システムの開発
2019 - 2022 Development of the differentiation derivative methods from induced tissue-specific pancreatic stem cells using TASCL to insulin excretory cells
2019 - 2021 生殖補助医療におけるソフトロボティクスの展開
2018 - 2021 The Fate of Frozen Cells: Development of Quality Assessment Technology for Therapeutic Cells
2016 - 2019 The visualization of microtissues using near-infrared fluorescence endoscope
2015 - 2018 Development of cryopreservation system for cells and tissue constructs in regenerative medicine and transplantation
2013 - 2016 Construction of a cytotoxicity and function evaluation system using combinatorial cell clusters with magnetic nanoparticles
2013 - 2015 Automated Embryonic Body Culture System by using Membrane Micromachining
2010 - 2015 Development of a Nano-Micro Platform for Tissue Engineering Applications
2010 - 2015 膜マイクロマシニング技術を基盤とする共創的再生医療プラットフォームの構築
2010 - 2011 Construction of nerve cell body on a 3-dimensional culture device
2008 - 2009 Liquid Patterning Device Based on Membrane Microchannel Technology
2005 - 2006 Concept and Development of The Optically Driven Nanomechatronics
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Papers (55):
Taiki Otomo, Hyunsoo Noh, Tatsuya Matsubara, Deok-Ho Kim, Masashi Ikeuchi, Kazuhiro Yoshida, Joon-wan Kim. Fabrication of Biomimetic Cell Culture Membranes Using Robust and Reusable Nickel Micropillar Molds. BioChip Journal. 2024
Yusuke Kimura, Masashi Ikeuchi, Mitsumasa Taguchi. Non-Electrically Controlled Nucleic Acid Analysis Microdevice To Enable Testing For Viral Infections In The Field. 2024 46th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). 2024. 1-4
Yusuke Kimura, Masashi Ikeuchi. Development of non-electrically controlled SalivaDirect LAMP (NEC-SD-LAMP), a new nonelectrical infectious disease testing method. Scientific Reports. 2023. 13. 1
Taiki Otomo, Tatsuya Matsubara, Kazuhiro Yoshida, Deok-Ho Kim, Masashi Ikeuchi, Joon-wan Kim. A microfluidic device integrated with a stretchable microporous membrane controlled by electro-conjugate fluid. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. 2023. 356. 114332-114332