Research field (3):
Applied mathematics and statistics
, Basic mathematics
, Information theory
Research keywords (6):
automated deduction
, numeric computation
, Numerical optimization
, computer algebra
, symbolic-numeric computation
, formula manipulation
Research theme for competitive and other funds (12):
2024 - 2025 FY2024 Robust and Efficient Robot Motion Planning by Computer Algebra Assistance Program
2020 - 2023 Development and Application of Robust Motion Planning Platform of Robots with Symbolic-Numeric Computation
2016 - 2019 Calculation of blending surfaces with approximate Syzygies
2015 - 2018 Singular statistics and computational algebraic analysis of machine learning models
2007 - 2009 Study on Calculating Power-series Roots of Multivariate Algebraic Equations
2007 - 2009 Study of Algorithms and Applications of Approximate Algebra
2005 - 2008 A Study on Classification and Strategy of Misere Impartial Games
2004 - 2006 Harmonic analysis on Grassmann manifolds and its applications to Radon transforms and inverse problems
2003 - 2006 Study of Algorithms and Applications of Approximate Algebra
2002 - 2003 近似的代数計算を用いた代数方程式の数値解法の研究
2000 - 2003 Developments of Accurate Estimation Procedures in the Statistical Region Estimation and Attempt of Practicability
2000 - 2002 Study of Algorithms and Applications of Approximate Algebra
Show all
Papers (18):
Mizuki Yoshizawa, Akira Terui, Masahiko Mikawa. Inverse Kinematics and Path Planning of Manipulator Using Real Quantifier Elimination Based on Comprehensive Gröbner Systems. Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14139. 2023. 393-419
Akira Terui. Computer Exercise in the Coronavirus Pandemic: An Approach of Distance Learning to Computer Exercise with Computer Algebra in the College of Mathematics (コロナ禍の計算機演習 : 数学科における数式処理を用いた計算機実習の遠隔授業による取り組み). 数式処理 = Bulletin of the Japan Society for Symbolic and Algebraic Computation. 2022. 28. 2. 53-79
Boming Chi, Akira Terui. The GPGCD Algorithm with the Bézout Matrix. Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing: Proceedings of the 22nd International Workshop on Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing, CASC 2020. 2020. 170-187
Akira Terui. A Report of CASC 2023 (CASC2023の報告). 数式処理 = Bulletin of the Japan Society for Symbolic and Algebraic Computation. 2024. 30. 1. 72-77
池 泊明, 照井 章. Bezout行列に基づく近似GCD計算アルゴリズムGPGCDの複数多項式への拡張-日本数式処理学会第31回大会報告. 数式処理 = Bulletin of the Japan Society for Symbolic and Algebraic Computation. 2023. 29. 1. 25-28
伊藤 綾音, 照井 章. Grobner基底を用いた「刈屋の定理」の証明-2021年度合同分科会報告. 数式処理 = Bulletin of the Japan Society for Symbolic and Algebraic Computation. 2022. 28. 2. 111-114
葛西 剛史, 照井 章. Wu's Methodを用いた「刈屋の定理」の証明-2021年度合同分科会報告. 数式処理 = Bulletin of the Japan Society for Symbolic and Algebraic Computation. 2022. 28. 2. 115-118
田島 慎一, 小原 功任, 照井 章. 最小消去多項式を用いた一般固有ベクトル空間の構成-日本数式処理学会第30回大会報告. 数式処理 = Bulletin of the Japan Society for Symbolic and Algebraic Computation. 2022. 28. 1. 32-35
Fundamental Theory of Computer Algebra (計算機代数の基礎理論)
Kyoritsu Shuppan Co., Ltd. 2019 ISBN:9784320113732
Lectures and oral presentations (21):
An Exact Algorithm for Computing the Structure of Jordan Blocks
(RIMS Workshop on Computer Algebra - Foundations and Applications 2023)
Inverse Kinematics and Path Planning of Manipulator Using Real Quantifier Elimination Based on Comprehensive Gröbner Systems
(The 25th International Workshop on Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing 2023)
2011/12 - 現在 Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba Associate Professor
2011/10 - 2011/11 Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba Research Associate
2007/04 - 2011/09 University of Tsukuba Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences
2004/04 - 2007/03 University of Tsukuba Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences
1999/10 - 2004/03 University of Tsukuba Institute of Mathematics
Association Membership(s) (5):
Mathematical Society of Japan
, Association for Computing Machinery
, Japan Society for Symbolic and Algebraic Computation
, Information Processing Society of Japan
, Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics