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J-GLOBAL ID:200901045905746199   Update date: Mar. 05, 2025

Tanaka Hiromitsu

タナカ ヒロミツ | Tanaka Hiromitsu
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Associate Professor
Homepage URL  (1): https://www1.niu.ac.jp/about/teacher/detail.html?tid=189
Research field  (8): Genomics ,  Laboratory animal science ,  Urology ,  Pharmacology ,  Pharmaceuticals - health and biochemistry ,  Developmental biology ,  Molecular biology ,  Genetics
Research keywords  (16): がん ,  幹細胞 ,  減数分裂 ,  精子形成 ,  精細胞分化 ,  半数体 ,  生殖細胞 ,  精巣 ,  spermiogenesis ,  Spermatogenesis ,  Experssion ,  Haploid ,  Germ ,  Testis ,  Gene ,  Histone
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (30):
  • 2022 - 2025 Clinical significance of serum zinc for spermatogenesis and testosterone secretion
  • 2021 - 2024 Study of HASPIN Kinase Inhibitors to Suppress Prostate Cancer
  • 2017 - 2020 Study on mechanism of Notch signaling in testiculara germ cell and its clinical role in human
  • 2016 - 2019 The analysis of function of the flavonoids which is active on the fertility rate of IVF.
  • 2013 - 2016 Effective compounds for male infertility patients with reference data for a noninvasive genetic diagnosis
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Papers (174):
  • Hiromitsu Tanaka, Shunsuke Matsuyama, Tomoe Ohta, Keisuke Kakazu, Kazutoshi Fujita, Shinichiro Fukuhara, Tetsuji Soda, Yasushi Miyagawa, Akira Tsujimura. The Natural HASPIN Inhibitor Coumestrol Suppresses Intestinal Polyp Development, Cachexia, and Hypogonadism in a Mouse Model of Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (ApcMin/+). Biology. 2024. 13. 9
  • Hiromitsu Tanaka, Keizo Tokuhiro. A Haspin promoter element induces tissue-specific methylation of a transcription region and the regulation of gene expression in mouse ova. Cell journal. 2022. 24. 9. 552-554
  • Hiromitsu Tanaka, Hisayo Nishida-Fukuda, Morimasa Wada, Keizo Tokuhiro, Hiroaki Matsushita, Yukio Ando. Inhibitory Effect of the HASPIN Inhibitor CHR-6494 on BxPC-3-Luc, A Luciferase-Expressing Pancreatic Cancer Cell Line. Cell journal. 2022. 24. 4. 212-214
  • Tomoe Ohta, Takuhiro Uto, Yukihiro Shoyama, Maxwell Mamfe Sakyiamah, Alfred Ampomah Appiah, Hiromitsu Tanaka. In vitro fertilization using sperm activated by ML-2-3 isolated from Morinda lucida Bentham leaves. Reproductive Medicine and Biology. 2022. 21. 1
  • Takafumi Matsumura, Takuya Sato, Takeru Abe, Hiroyuki Sanjo, Kumiko Katagiri, Hiroshi Kimura, Teruo Fujii, Hiromitsu Tanaka, Masumi Hirabayashi, Takehiko Ogawa. Rat in vitro spermatogenesis promoted by chemical supplementations and oxygen-tension control. Scientific Reports. 2021. 11. 1
MISC (76):
  • Hiromitsu Tanaka, Akira Tsujimura. Pervasiveness of intronless genes expressed in haploid germ cell differentiation. Reproductive Medicine and Biology. 2021. 20. 3. 255-259
  • 田中宏光, 福田枝里子, 山口圭, 高坂美恵子, 河村義史, 奥田英伸, 磯谷綾子, 伊川正人, SMITH Shapiro Virginia, 土田順司, et al. 生殖細胞を特異的に認識するモノクローナル抗体TRA98の抗原同定とその機能の解析. 日本アンドロロジー学会総会記事. 2021. 40th
  • 宮川 康, 福原 慎一郎, 藤田 和利, 木内 寛, 田中 宏光, 辻村 晃. 精子を知る,見る,作る 精子研究の臨床応用. 日本生殖医学会雑誌. 2018. 63. 3. 240-240
  • Tanaka H, Wada M, Tung HN, Fujii S, Uto T, Shoyama Y. In Vitro Fertilization Activators for Future. Biological Activities and Action Mechanisms of Licorice Ingredients. 2017
  • 正山征洋, 田中宏光. 「甘草の神秘~人口減少時代の到来に向けての福音~」. 自費出版. 2017
Patents (16):
Professional career (1):
  • 博士(薬学) (京都薬科大学)
Awards (3):
  • 1999 - 2. Poster Award of the XVth Testis workshop, 1999
  • 1997 - Congress of Androgy, 1997
  • 1900 - 1. Poster Award of The Jury of the sixth International
Association Membership(s) (6):
日本失疾モデル学会 ,  日本発生生物学会 ,  日本分子生物学会 ,  Japanese Society of Animal Models for Human Diseases ,  Japanese Society of Developmental Biology ,  Japanese Society of Molecular Biology
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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