2019 - 2022 Design of cutting tool flank texture that overturns the conventional limit in chatter stability
2016 - 2019 A novel model-based process monitoring for next-generation cutting technology
2013 - 2016 Cutter design of irregular pitch / variable helix end mills to increase chatter stability in cutting
2010 - 2012 動剛性の異方性を積極的に利用するびびり振動抑制法の提案
2010 - 2011 Proposal of novel chatter suppression method by utilizing anisotropic dynamics
2008 - 2010 びびり振動を自動回避する次世代工作機械の開発
2008 - 2009 Development of next generation machine tool to enable automatic chatter avoidance
2005 - 2007 焼結材料の延性モード加工を可能とする超高周波振動切削加工に関する研究
2005 - 2006 焼結材料の延性モード加工を可能とする超高周波振動切削加工に関する研究
2003 - 2005 楕円振動切削加工法による超硬合金の超精密微細加工
2003 - 2004 楕円振動切削加工法による超硬合金の超精密微細加工
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Papers (177):
Yuta Shinba, Naruhiro Irino, Yasuhiro Imabeppu, Erhan Budak, Norikazu Suzuki, Atsuo Kishimoto. Improvement of surface quality in simultaneous machining of multiple workpieces on a single machine. CIRP Annals. 2024. 73. 1. 305-308
K. Hirano, T. Sato, N. Suzuki. Real-time prediction of material removal rate for advanced process control of chemical mechanical polishing. CIRP Annals. 2024. 73. 1. 269-272
Yukio TAKAHASHI, Takuma MATSUNAGA, Genki MURATA, Hiroto TERATANI, Norikazu SUZUKI. Influence of vibration conditions on tool life in low-frequency vibration cutting of difficult-to-cut materials. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing. 2024. 18. 4. JAMDSM0050-JAMDSM0050
Hideyuki Fujii, Yukio Takahashi, Jiei Hodohara, Norikazu Suzuki, Yuki Yamada, Yasuhiro Imabeppu, Naruhiro Irino. Estimation of Hardness and Residual Stress on End-Milled Surfaces Using Linear Regression Model. International Journal of Automation Technology. 2023. 17. 6. 564-574
Wei Gao, Soichi Ibaraki, M. Alkan Donmez, Daisuke Kono, J.R.R. Mayer, Yuan-Liu Chen, Károly Szipka, Andreas Archenti, Jean-Marc Linares, Norikazu Suzuki. Machine tool calibration: Measurement, modeling, and compensation of machine tool errors. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture. 2023. 187. 104017-104017
Advanced applications of elliptical vibration cutting in micro/nanomachining of difficult-to-cut materials in "Simulation and Experiments of Material-Oriented Ultra-Precision Machining"
Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018
超音波振動切削 in ”鉄の事典 13.3 切る・削る・接合する 13.3.4.e”
朝倉書店 2014
Ultrasonic Vibration Diamond Cutting and Ultrasonic Elliptical Vibration Cutting in "Comprehensive Materials Processing"
Science Direct 2014
超精密楕円振動切削加工法による光学ガラスレンズの金型加工 in "「光学ガラスレンズの設計・成形加工ノウハウ集」 第3章ガラスレンズ金型の加工方法およびコーティング技術 第1節"
技術情報協会 2007 ISBN:4861041325
Lectures and oral presentations (105):
Experimental Verification of Fast Parameter Identification Method Utilizing Instantaneous Spindle Speed Variation in End Milling
(The 25th International Symposium on Advances in Abrasive Technology (ISAAT2023) 2023)
Experimental Verification of Model-based CMP Process Simulation Considering Distribution of Material Removal Efficiency
(The 25th International Symposium on Advances in Abrasive Technology (ISAAT2023) 2023)
(精密加工研究会 第115回例会 2023)
Simulation of CMP abrasive behavior considering pad surface topography
(The International Conference on Planarization Technology (ICPT 2023) 2023)
Surface integrity estimation in end milling by utilizing model-based inverse analysis of cutting force
(International Symposium on Upcoming Prominent Engineering solutions (ISUPEN2023) 2023)
2012 - 2012 3rd CIRP conference PMI2012 Program chair
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Awards (29):
2024/12 - Parameter identification for linear model of the milling process using spindle speed variation
2024/11 - The 26th International Symposium on Advances in Abrasive Technology (ISAAT2024) Excellent Paper Award Development of a process model of micro-nano patterns toward a novel model-based process control in chemical mechanical polishing
2024/11 - The 19th International Machine Tool Engineers' Conference (IMEC2024) Excellent Poster Award Non-contact monitoring of cutting process using machining sound measurement
2024/10 - The 20th International Conference on Precision Engineering (ICPE2024) ICPE2024 Outstanding Paper Award Development of simulation technique for milling process superimposing oscillation on the feed motion
2024/03 - The Japan Society for Precision Engineering JSPE Best Paper Award Parameter identification for linear model of the milling process using spindle speed variation
2022/11 - The 19th International Machine Tool Engineers' Conference Excellent Poster Award A novel method of model parameter identification for highly-accurate milling simulation
2005/11/09 - MHS2005 Best Paper Award in 2005 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science(MHS2005) A New Method to Machine Sculptured Surfaces by Applying Ultrasonic Elliptical Vibration Cutting
, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
, The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
, The Japan Society for Abrasive Technology
, 公益社団法人自動車技術会
, 3rd CIRP conference PMI2012
, International Program Committee of ICPT
, 日本設計工学会
, 型技術協会