J-GLOBAL ID:200901086434117569
Update date: Jan. 27, 2025 SHOGO ISHIZUKA
イシヅカ ショウゴ | SHOGO ISHIZUKA
Affiliation and department: Homepage URL (1): http://www.aist.go.jp/RESEARCHERDB/cgi-bin/worker_detail.cgi?call=namae&rw_id=S49095920 Research field (3):
Electric/electronic material engineering
, Thin-film surfaces and interfaces
, Applied physics - general
Research keywords (5):
, Solar Cells
, Thin Films
, Applied Physics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2): - 2019 - 2022 Analysis and control of defects in wide-gap thin-film photovoltaic devices
- 2016 - 2019 A study of the mechanism behind alkali-metal effects on compound semiconductor thin-film photovoltaics
Papers (159): -
Yukiko Kamikawa, Jiro Nishinaga, Takeshi Nishida, Shogo Ishizuka. Highly Efficient Lightweight Flexible Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Solar Cells with a Narrow Bandgap Fabricated on Polyimide Substrates: Impact of Ag Alloying, Cs and Na Doping, and Front Shallow Ga Grading on Cell Performance. Small Science. 2025
Shogo Ishizuka, Jiro Nishinaga, Yukiko Kamikawa, Takeshi Nishida, Paul J. Fons. Photovoltaic Efficiency Enhancement of Indium-Free Wide-Bandgap Chalcopyrite Solar Cells via an Aluminum-Induced Back-Surface Field Effect. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2025
Shigeru Ikeda, Shogo Ishizuka. (Invited) Modification of P-N Heterointerface of Ternary CuGaSe2 Photochaodes for Efficient Water Reduction Under Sunlight Irradiation. ECS Meeting Abstracts. 2024
Shigeru Ikeda, Shogo Ishizuka. Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen Production from Water Using Copper-based Chalcopyrite Thin Films. ChemElectroChem. 2024
Yukiko Kamikawa, Marco Nardone, Hajime Shibata, Jiro Nishinaga, Shogo Ishizuka. Multiple Impacts of the Aluminum Oxide Passivation Layer on the Properties OF Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Solar Cells. Advanced Materials Interfaces. 2024
more... MISC (39): -
Takahito Nishimura, Shinho Kim, Jakapan Chantana, Yu Kawano, Shogo Ishizuka, Takashi Minemoto. Application of Al-Doped (Zn, Mg)O on pure-sulfide Cu(In, Ga)S2 solar cells for enhancement of open-circuit voltage. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 2019. 202
- 奈良崎愛子, 西永慈郎, 高田英行, 佐藤正健, 新納弘之, 鳥塚健二, 上川由紀子, 石塚尚吾, 柴田肇, 仁木栄. 「半導体デバイスの超短パルスレーザー加工と熱影響評価 」. 「レーザプロセシングと先端技術」. 2018. OQD18-017. 33-37
Taguchi Noboru, Tanaka Shingo, Ishizuka Shogo. Study of the compound semiconductors CuInSe_2 using analytical transmission electron microscopy. Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2017. 72. 0. 2738-2738
Shigeru Niki, Shogo Ishizuka. Development of CIGS solar cell technology (high-functionality, high-performance flexible submodule). AIST Today (International Edition). 2011. 42. 9
仁木 栄, 石塚 尚吾, 小牧 弘典. 新材料部会講演 CIGS系太陽電池開発最前線. 鉱山. 2011. 64. 2. 23-28
more... Education (2): - 1998 - 2003 University of Tsukuba
- 1994 - 1998 University of Tsukuba
Professional career (1): - PhD (University of Tsukuba)
Work history (9): - 2023/04 - 現在 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Global Zero Emission Research Center Prime Senior Researcher
- 2022/04 - 2023/03 AIST Research Institute for Energy Conservation (iECO) Prime senior researcher
- 2020/04 - 2023/03 AIST Research Institute for Energy Conservation (iECO) Group Leader
- 2018/10 - 2020/03 AIST Research Center for Photovoltaics (RCPV) Team Leader
- 2017/10 - 2018/09 AIST RCPV Chief Senior Researcher
- 2010/10 - 2017/09 AIST RCPV Senior Researcher
- 2014/10 - 2015/09 AIST Dept. of Energy & Environment Planning Officer
- 2011/09 - 2012/09 National Renewable Energy Laboratory National Center for Photovoltaics Visiting Scientist
- 2004/10 - 2010/09 産業技術総合研究所 太陽光発電研究センター 研究員
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Awards (8): - 2024/08 - The Japan Photovoltaic Society Innovative PV Award Enhanced photovoltaic efficiency of wide-gap chalcopyrite solar cells
- 2022/04 - Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Awards for Science and Technology
- 2014/11 - WCPEC-6 Best Paper Award
- 2010/10 - 2010 Good Design Frontier Design Award
- 2008/10 - Renewable Energy 2008 Best Oral Presentation Award
- 2007/03 - JSAP 22nd JSAP Young Scientist Presentation Award
- 2006/03 - ICTMC-15 Organizing Committee Young Scientist Award
- 2005/09 - JSPS JSPS175Committee Young Inovative PV Award
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Association Membership(s) (4):
The Chemical Society of Japan
, The Japan Photovoltaic Society
, The Japan Society of Applied Physics
, Materials Research Society
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