J-GLOBAL ID:200901087364155006
Update date: Feb. 25, 2025 Suzuki Chihiro
スズキ チヒロ | Suzuki Chihiro
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Assistant Professor
Research field (4):
Semiconductors, optical and atomic physics
, Nuclear fusion
, Basic plasma science
, Applied plasma science
Research keywords (4):
, Spectroscopy
, プラズマ
, Plasma
Research theme for competitive and other funds (18): - 2021 - 2026 Elucidation of structures of complex quasi-continuous atomic spectra UTA by using high dispersion spectroscopy and statistical theories
- 2021 - 2024 機械学習を活用した実測ベースによるタングステンイオン分光モデルの高精度化
- 2019 - 2023 Verification of the robustness of methods to prevent impurity accumulation using a compound-tracer encapsulated solid pellet
- 2015 - 2019 Understanding the spatial structure of impurity transport characteristics with a new tracer-encapsulated solid pellet and its applied research
- 2015 - 2019 Development of a spectroscopic database of extreme ultraviolet spectra of highly charged heavy ions
- 2011 - 2014 Approach based on atomic processes to study tungsten impurity behavior in plasma
- 2011 - 2014 Developments of impurity transport diagnostics and plasma control method with a tracer-encapsulated solid pellet
- 2011 - 2013 Studies on EUV spectra from highly charged high Z ions using magnetically confined high temperature plasmas
- 2008 - 2010 Energy resolved soft X-ray imaging for the measurements of local distortion of distribution function
- 2007 - 2010 Simultaneous measurements of impurity transport, fast particle and line spectra by means of tracer-encapsulated pellet
- 2006 - 2009 Dynamic Transport of ion with fast charge exchange spectroscopy
- 2006 - 2007 特定粒子からの真空紫外放射光強度分布の簡便な計測法の確立と周辺プラズマへの適用
- 2006 - 2007 Development of compact multi-channel ultra soft X-ray spectrometer for high-accuracy particle transport measurement
- 2003 - 2006 Experimental simulation of high temperature plasma confinement using dimensionally similar low temperature plasma
- 2003 - 2004 真空紫外域透過フィルタとフォトダイオードアレイによるプラズマ中の不純物分布計測
- 2001 - 2002 次元的相似な低エネルギー密度トロイダルプラズマによる高温プラズマ閉じ込め模擬実験
- 2000 - 2001 MHD Database for Design of Quasi-axisymmetric Stellarator
- 1998 - 1998 レーザー誘起蛍光法によるフロロカーボンプラズマ中の中性ラジカル測定
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Papers (103): -
Ryota Nishimura, Tetsutarou Oishi, Izumi Murakami, Daiji Kato, Hiroyuki A. Sakaue, Hayato Ohashi, Shivam Gupta, Chihiro Suzuki, Motoshi Goto, Yasuko Kawamoto, et al. Evaluation of Spatial Profile of Local Emissions from W17+-W23+ Unresolved Transition Array Spectra. Atoms. 2025. 13. 2. 21-21
Ryota NISHIMURA, Tetsutarou OISHI, Izumi MURAKAMI, Daiji KATO, Hiroyuki A. SAKAUE, Gupta SHIVAM, Hayato OHASHI, Motoshi GOTO, Yasuko KAWAMOTO, Tomoko KAWATE, et al. Investigation of Tungsten Unresolved Transition Array Spectrum around 300Å for Fusion Plasma Diagnostics. Plasma and Fusion Research. 2025. 20. 2402005-2402005
Haotian Yang, Ryo Yasuhara, Hiroyuki Noto, Daisuke Nagata, Masayuki Tokitani, Haruki Kawaguchi, Chihiro Suzuki, Reina Miyagawa, Hiyori Uehara. Effect of nanosecond laser irradiation on tungsten grain structure. Nuclear Materials and Energy. 2024. 40. 101688-101688
S Nishimoto, K Nagaoka, M Nakata, S Yoshimura, K Tanaka, M Yokoyama, M Nunami, T Tokuzawa, C Suzuki, R Seki, et al. Experimental study of the effect of geodesic curvature on turbulent transport in magnetically confined plasma. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 2024. 66. 4. 045010-045010
F. Nespoli, K. Tanaka, S. Masuzaki, N. Ashikawa, M. Shoji, E. P. Gilson, R. Lunsford, T. Oishi, K. Ida, M. Yoshinuma, et al. A reduced-turbulence regime in the Large Helical Device upon injection of low-Z materials powders. Nuclear Fusion. 2023. 63. 7. 076001-076001
more... MISC (344): - Chihiro Suzuki, Koichi Sasaki, Kiyoshi Kadota. Loss processes of CF and CF2 radicals in the afterglow of high-density CF4 plasmas. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 2: Letters. 2023. 36. 6. L824-L826
- K. Fujii, C. Suzuki, M. Hasuo. Robust Regression for Automatic Fusion Plasma Analysis Based on Generative Modeling. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science. 2019. 47. 7. 3305-3314
T. Goto, J. Miyazawa, H. Tamura, T. Tanaka, R. Sakamoto, C. Suzuki, R. Seki, S. Satake, M. Nunami, M. Yokoyama, et al. Conceptual design of a compact helical fusion reactor FFHR-c1 for the early demonstration of year-long electric power generation. Nuclear Fusion. 2019. 59. 7
T. Klinger, T. Andreeva, S. Bozhenkov, C. Brandt, R. Burhenn, B. Buttenschön, G. Fuchert, B. Geiger, O. Grulke, H. P. Laqua, et al. Overview of first Wendelstein 7-X high-performance operation. Nuclear Fusion. 2019. 59. 11
A. Dinklage, K. J. McCarthy, C. Suzuki, N. Tamura, Th Wegner, H. Yamada, J. Baldzuhn, K. J. Brunner, B. Buttenschön, H. Damm, et al. Plasma termination by excess pellet fueling and impurity injection in TJ-II, the Large Helical Device and Wendelstein 7-X. Nuclear Fusion. 2019. 59. 7
more... Education (4): - 1994 - 1999 Nagoya University Department of Engineering Electronics
- - 1999 Nagoya University Graduate School, Division of Engineering Electronics
- 1990 - 1994 Nagoya University Department of Engineering Electrical Engineering
- - 1994 Nagoya University Faculty of Engineering Electrical Engineering
Professional career (1): - Doctor (Engineering) (Nagoya University)
Work history (2): - 2007/04 - 現在 National Institute for Fusion Science, National Institutes of Natural Sciences Department of Helical Plasma Research Assistant Professor
- 1999/04 - 2007/03 National Institute for Fusion Science Department of Large Helical Device Project Research Associate
Committee career (1): - 2003 - 2004 プラズマ・核融合学会 編集委員
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