2015 - 2018 Clarification and control of interfacial mass transport in operational fuel cells by the combination of fiber-optic laser spectroscopy and simulation
2015 - 2016 光ファイバ型レーザ吸収分光法を応用した燃料電池内高速ガス分析技術の開発
2012 - 2015 Internal diagnosis and transport control of fuel cell based on high-sensitive and minimally invasive laser spectroscopy technique
2010 - 2015 Integrative Understanding of Mass Transport Phenomena in a PEMFC by Laser Ablation Tagging Visualization and Oxygen Absorption Spectroscopy
2010 - 2011 High-sensitive measurement and transport control of water in porous electrode of fuel cell using fiber-optic cavity ring-down laser spectroscopy
2010 - 2010 燃料電池の高性能化に向けた光ファイバ型レーザ分光計測技術の開発
2008 - 2009 Simultaneous measurement of water and temperature in electrode offuel cell using near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy and activecontrol of water transport
Kosuke Nishida, Ryoga Nakauchi, Toyofumi Umekawa, Masahiro Kawasaki. TDLAS-based water vapor monitoring in narrow channels of polymer electrolyte fuel cells using a single-ended fiber-optic sensor. Optics Express. 2023. 31. 22. 35604-35604
Reiya Kaneko, Vedant Chate, Kosuke Nishida. Control of Liquid Water Transport in Cathode of PEFC Using Wettability-Patterned Electrodes. ECS Transactions. 2023. 112. 4. 63-68
Kosuke Nishida. Numerical Simulation of Local Entropy Generation of Oxygen Transport in Cathode Diffusion Media of PEFC. ECS Transactions. 2023. 112. 4. 43-48
Kosuke Nishida. Water Measurement Techniques for Elucidating Internal Phenomena of Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells. Journal of Smart Processing for Materials, Environment & Energy. 2023. 12. 3. 123-130
Kosuke Nishida, Yudai Kono, Ryoichi Funaoka, Tatsuki Furukawa. Acceleration of through-plane water removal in polymer electrolyte fuel cell by channel hydrophilization and electrode perforation. Journal of Power Sources Advances. 2022. 16
International Society of Electrochemistry
, The Electrochemical Society
, Japan Society of Energy and Resources
, The Electrochemical Society of Japan
, The Heat Transfer Society of Japan
, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers