J-GLOBAL ID:201101039013197172
Update date: Jul. 17, 2024 Shiozawa Seiji
Shiozawa Seiji
Affiliation and department: Other affiliations (1): Homepage URL (1): http://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/r/10447039 Research field (4):
Cell biology
, Genetics
, Veterinary medicine
, Laboratory animal science
Research keywords (6):
, iPS細胞
, 再生医療
, ゲノム編集
, ES細胞
, 発生工学
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5): - 2022 - 2026 Generation of feline pluripotent stem cell-derived renal progenitors and kidney organoids for the treatment of chronic kidney disease.
- 2022 - 2025 胎生期における新たな体サイズ制御メカニズムの解明
- 2020 - 2023 Establishment of regenerative medicine for musculoskeletal system using clinical-grade canine iPS cells
- 2019 - 2022 Evaluation of homologous recombination enhancers in genome editing
- 2007 - 2008 Gene targeting in common marmoset embryonic stem cells
Papers (22): -
Tomoki Kodera, Ryosuke F. Takeuchi, Sara Takahashi, Keiichiro Suzuki, Hidetoshi Kassai, Atsu Aiba, Seiji Shiozawa, Hideyuki Okano, Fumitaka Osakada. Modeling the marmoset brain using embryonic stem cell-derived cerebral assembloids. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2023
Manami Tanaka, Anmi Ito, Seiji Shiozawa, Mariko Hara-Chikuma. Anti-tumor effect of aquaporin 3 monoclonal antibody on syngeneic mouse tumor model. Translational oncology. 2022. 24. 101498-101498
Sho Yoshimatsu, Kazuya Edamura, Yumi Yoshii, Aozora Iguchi, Hirotaka Kondo, Hisashi Shibuya, Tsukika Sato, Seiji Shiozawa, Hideyuki Okano. Non-viral derivation of a transgene-free induced pluripotent stem cell line from a male beagle dog. Stem Cell Research. 2021. 53
Sho Yoshimatsu, Mayutaka Nakajima, Aozora Iguchi, Tsukasa Sanosaka, Tsukika Sato, Mari Nakamura, Ryusuke Nakajima, Eri Arai, Mitsuru Ishikawa, Kent Imaizumi, et al. Non-viral Induction of Transgene-free iPSCs from Somatic Fibroblasts of Multiple Mammalian Species. Stem cell reports. 2021. 16. 4. 754-770
Akisa Nemoto, Reona Kobayashi, Sho Yoshimatsu, Yuta Sato, Takahiro Kondo, Andrew S Yoo, Seiji Shiozawa, Hideyuki Okano. Direct Neuronal Reprogramming of Common Marmoset Fibroblasts by ASCL1, microRNA-9/9*, and microRNA-124 Overexpression. Cells. 2020. 10. 1
more... MISC (5): -
塩澤 誠司. ヒト及び非ヒト霊長類多能性幹細胞におけるナイーブ型多能性状態の獲得. 九州実験動物雑誌. 2021. No.37
枝村 一弥, 井口 青空, 吉井 友見, 吉松 祥, 近藤 広孝, 渋谷 久, 関 真美子, 浅野 和之, 塩澤 誠司, 岡野 栄之. ウイルスおよびフィーダー細胞を使用しない臨床グレードの犬iPS細胞の創生. Twig's. 2019. 65. 32-32
中村 真理, 渡部 博貴, 塩澤 誠司, 久永 眞市, 佐原 成彦, 木村 妙子, 宮坂 知宏, 高島 明彦, 池内 健, 岡野 栄之. FTDP-17患者由来iPS細胞を用いたin vitro病態モデルの確立及び表現型解析. Dementia Japan. 2017. 31. 4. 555-555
若井拓哉, 森園倫成, 渡辺大士, 外丸祐介, 神田暁史, 塩沢誠司, 河野友宏. Moesin遺伝子発現の可視化による体細胞クローン胚におけるX染色体リプログラミングの評価. Journal of Reproduction and Development. 2014. 60. Suppl Japanese Issue. J142-j142
塩澤誠司, 塩澤誠司, 塩澤誠司, 佐々木えりか, 前田拓志, 前田拓志, 末水洋志, 江袋美和, 後藤一雄, 外丸祐介, et al. マーモセットES細胞における標的遺伝子組み換え技術の確立. 生化学. 2008. 3P-0909
Patents (4): Books (1): Professional career (1): - Ph.D. (The University of Tokyo)
Work history (8): - 2024/04 - 現在 Keio University School of Medicine
- 2023/12 - 現在 Kurume University School of Medicine
- 2018/04 - 現在 日本大学生物資源科学部獣医学科 非常勤講師
- 2019/04 - 2024/03 Keio University School of Medicine
- 2020 - 2023/11 Kurume University School of Medicine
- 2019 - 2021 RIKEN
- 2015 - 2019 Keio University School of Medicine
- 2006 - 2015 Keio University School of Medicine
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