J-GLOBAL ID:201101051514317607   Update date: Jan. 30, 2024

Hashimoto Kenichi

ハシモト ケンイチ | Hashimoto Kenichi
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Associate Professor
Research field  (3): Foreign language education ,  English linguistics ,  Linguistics
Research keywords  (2): 心理言語学 ,  第二言語習得
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (6):
  • 2023 - 2027 外国人児童生徒の社会的包摂を実現するための総合的な支援システムの開発と評価
  • 2018 - 2023 発話速度とポーズが第二言語理解処理に与える影響:動詞句省略文を用いた検討
  • 2015 - 2019 Building database of sentence construction familiarity for Japanese EFL learners
  • 2014 - 2019 An investigation of the automatization process in second language processing with respect to noticing, attention and interactive alignment
  • 2013 - 2017 Foreign accent influence on L2 English speech comprehension by Japanese EFL learners
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Papers (16):
  • Fujita, H, Ueda, R, Hashimoto, K. Does repeated exposure to segmental sounds improve perceptual ability in non-native speakers?. Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. 2019. 2563-2566
  • Ueda, R, Hashimoto, K. Perceptual training in a classroom setting: Phonemic category formation by Japanese EFL learners. Proceedings of the 10th Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Conference. 2019. 237-249
  • Nakanishi, H, Narumi, T, Hashimoto, K, Yokokawa, H. How lexical familiarity affects reading span: An empirical study with Japanese EFL learners. ことばの科学研究. 2019. 20. 31-49
  • Narumi, T, Hashimoto, K, Nakanishi, H, Yokokawa, H. Lexical-semantic driven processing during sentence comprehension by Japanese EFL learners: Evidence from task effects on on-line processing of linguistic information. ことばの科学研究. 2018. 19. 43-61
  • 橋本 健一, 鳴海 智之, 籔内 智, 里井 久輝, 濱田 真由, 平野 亜也子, 兵頭 佳央理, 坂東 美智子, 原田 康也, 横川 博一. 文構造親密度が日本人英語学習者の文理解処理に与える影響 ~相対的文構造親密度に関する一考察~. 信学技報. 2017. 117. 341. 43-48
MISC (5):
  • HASHIMOTO Ken-ichi, HIRAI Ai, YABUUCHI Satoshi. Verb Subcategorization Knowledge and Its Utilization by Low-intermediate L2 Learners. Technical report of IEICE. Thought and language. 2011. 111. 320. 43-48
  • HASHIMOTO Ken-ichi. Syntactic Processing of L2 English Relative Clause Sentences : The Effect of Proficiency. ARELE : annual review of English language education in Japan. 2011. 22. 95-110
  • NAGAI Chieko, YABUUCHI Satoshi, HASHIMOTO Ken-ichi, SUGAI Kosuke, YOKOKAWA Hirokazu. Verb Subcategorization Information During Sentence Comprehension by Japanese EFL Learners : Evidence From Self-Paced Sentence Anomaly Task. ARELE : annual review of English language education in Japan. 2010. 21. 61-70
  • HASHIMOTO Ken-ichi, YOKOKAWA Hirokazu. Proficiency Effect on the Utilization of Verb Transitivity Information in L2 Sentence Comprehension. Technical report of IEICE. Thought and language. 2009. 109. 297. 51-56
  • HASHIMOTO Ken-ichi, HIRAI Ai. Comprehension of Post-Modification Structures by Japanese Learners of English : An Analysis by Detailed Reading Time. ARELE : annual review of English language education in Japan. 2007. 18. 201-210
Books (2):
  • 英語科・外国語活動の理論と実践(第1部・第2章 言語習得と言語処理)
    あいり出版 2015
  • 外国語運用能力はいかに熟達化するか:言語情報処理の自動化プロセスを探る (第4章 関係節の理解はなぜ難しいのかー外国語文理解における処理負荷の影響ー)
    松柏社 2014
Lectures and oral presentations  (7):
  • Effects of exposure to phonetic segments on non-native perceptual development
    (New Sounds 2019 2019)
  • Does repeated exposure to segmental sounds improve perceptual ability in non-native speakers?
    (The 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences 2019)
  • Effects of repeated exposure to phonetic segments and feedback on non-native phonetic perception development
    (MAPLL (Mental Architecture for Processing and Learning of Language) 2019 2019)
  • 日本人英語学習者の文理解の自動化と文構造親密度
    (日本ビジネスコミュニケーション学会2018年度第2回研究集会 2019)
  • Perceptual training in a classroom-setting: Phonemic category formation by Japanese EFL learners
    (Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching 10th Annual Conference 2018)
Education (1):
  • 2006 - 2010 The University of Queensland(Australia) School of English, Media Studies, and Art History
Professional career (3):
  • 学士(文学) (関西学院大学)
  • 修士(学術) (神戸大学)
  • PhD in Second Language Acquisition (The University of Queensland)
Work history (3):
  • 2014/04/01 - 大阪教育大学教育学部准教授
  • 2012/04/01 - 2014/03/31 近畿大学農学部教養・基礎教育部門講師
  • 2010/04/01 - 2012/03/31 近畿大学農学部教養・基礎教育部門特任講師
Committee career (3):
  • 2013 - 全国英語教育学会 幹事・社会ニーズ対応推進委員・研究企画委員
  • 2010 - 外国語教育メディア学会 関西支部運営委員
  • 2010 - 関西英語教育学会 幹事
Association Membership(s) (5):
The Japan Association of College English Teachers ,  The Japan Second Language Acquisition ,  The Japan Association for Language Education & Technology ,  Japan Society of English Language Education ,  Kansai English Language Education Society
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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