Research keywords (3):
Esophageal cancer
, Hepatocellular carcinoma
, Molecular oncology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
2022 - 2025 食道扁平上皮癌がん幹細胞における免疫逃避機構の解明
2018 - 2021 A novel treatment targeting cancer stem-like cells in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
2015 - 2018 FGFR inhibitors eliminate cancer stem-like cells in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
2014 - 2017 Analysis of cancer stem cell niche by using esophageal orgnotypic 3D culture system
2013 - 2015 Micro RNA profiles in pancreatic cancer
2013 - 2015 Development of a novel therapy targeting cancer stem-ike cells in Esophageal Cell Carcinoma
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Papers (106):
Naohiro Yasuura, Goki Suda, Masatsugu Ohara, Akimitsu Meno, Takuya Sho, Risako Kohya, Takashi Sasaki, Tomoka Yoda, Sonoe Yoshida, Qingjie Fu, et al. Positivity of high-sensitivity HBsAg test, not previous HBV infection, indicates poor prognosis in patients with non-HBV-related HCC. Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics. 2024
Risako Kohya, Goki Suda, Masatsugu Ohara, Takashi Sasaki, Tomoka Yoda, Naofumi Sakurai, Sonoe Yoshida, Qingjie Fu, Zijian Yang, Shunichi Hosoda, et al. Potential Correlation between Changes in Serum FGF21 Levels and Lenvatinib-Induced Appetite Loss in Patients with Unresectable Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Cancers. 2023. 15. 12
Takashi Sasaki, Goki Suda, Masatsugu Ohara, Shunichi Hosoda, Naoki Kawagishi, Risako Kohya, Tomoka Yoda, Osamu Maehara, Shunsuke Ohnishi, Sonoe Yoshida, et al. Recent prevalence and characteristics of patients with hepatitis delta virus in Hokkaido, Japan. Hepatology research : the official journal of the Japan Society of Hepatology. 2023
Shunichi Hosoda, Goki Suda, Takuya Sho, Koji Ogawa, Megumi Kimura, Zijian Yang, Sonoe Yoshida, Akinori Kubo, Yoshimasa Tokuchi, Takashi Kitagataya, et al. Low Baseline CXCL9 Predicts Early Progressive Disease in Unresectable HCC with Atezolizumab Plus Bevacizumab Treatment. Liver cancer. 2023. 12. 2. 156-170
Yoshimasa Tokuchi, Goki Suda, Naoki Kawagishi, Masatsugu Ohara, Risako Kohya, Takashi Sasaki, Tomoka Yoda, Osamu Maehara, Shunsuke Ohnishi, Akinori Kubo, et al. Hepatitis C virus eradication by direct-acting antivirals causes a simultaneous increase in the prevalence of fatty liver and hyper low-density lipoprotein cholesterolemia without an increase in body weight. Hepatology research : the official journal of the Japan Society of Hepatology. 2023. 53. 7. 595-606
Koji Tanaka, Kelly A. Whelan, Naryan L. Rustgi, Prasanna M. Chandramouleeswaran, Seiji Naganuma, Shingo Kagawa, Mitsuteru Natsuizaka, Yoshiaki Kita, Shoji Natsugoe, Que Jianwen, et al. Notch1 regulates epithelial-mesenchymal transition and tumor-initiating capability in esophageal squamous-cell carcinoma. CANCER RESEARCH. 2016. 76