Research field (4):
Home economics, lifestyle science
, Gastroenterology
, Clinical pharmacy
, Basic nursing
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
2020 - 2022 Assessment of the skin barrier function using hyperspectral imaging
2020 - 2021 気腹装置の加温効果を妨げる因子の探索的横断研究
2019 - 2021 アイトラッカーによる周麻酔期看護師の持つ知識体系の可視化
2019 - 2020 手術後患者に潜む「不快」に関する関連因子の探索
Papers (22):
Naoko Crofts, Shuzo Fujita, Satoko Miura, Yuko Hosaka, Naoko F. Oitome, Satoshi Yoshida, Megumi Nakamura, Asako Fujise, Keiko Iwaki, Koji Murai, et al. Characterization of <i>waxy</i> Diploid Wheat Flour and its Possible Practical Use. Journal of Applied Glycoscience. 2024. 71. 4. 117-122
Hirokazu Shiba, Satoshi Yoshida, Tomoko Akase, Masatoshi TayaHOtoshi Sato, Takahisa Goto. Exploring background factors related to pain in postoperative patients -Analysis of nursing records by text mining-. 2022. 15. 1. 20-29