J-GLOBAL ID:201301094751641856
Update date: Sep. 23, 2024 YASUI Nozomiko
ヤスイ ノゾミコ | YASUI Nozomiko
Affiliation and department: Homepage URL (1): http://kaken.nii.ac.jp/d/r/80607896.ja.html Research field (5):
Perceptual information processing
, Experimental psychology
, Intelligent informatics
, Sensitivity (kansei) informatics
, Soft computing
Research keywords (3):
, 音楽知覚認知
, 音響心理学
Research theme for competitive and other funds (7): Papers (20): -
Ohidujjaman, Yosuke Sugiura, Nozomiko Yasui, Tetsuya Shimamura, Hisanori Makinae. Regularized Modified Covariance Method for Spectral Analysis of Bone-Conducted Speech. Journal of Signal Processing. 2024. 28. 3. 77-87
Md. Sarwar Hosain, Yosuke Sugiura, Nozomiko Yasui, Tetsuya Shimamura. Deep-Learning-Based Speech Emotion Recognition Using Synthetic Bone-Conducted Speech. Journal of Signal Processing. 2023. 27. 6. 151-163
Ohidujjaman, Nozomiko Yasui, Yosuke Sugiura, Tetsuya Shimamura, Hisanori Makinae. Packet Loss Compensation for VoIP through Bone-Conducted Speech Using Modified Linear Prediction. IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering. 2023. 18. 11. 1781-1790
Yasui Nozomiko, Miura Masanobu. Procedure for calculating fluctuation strength for marimba tremolo. Acoustical Science and Technology. 2023. 44. 3. 210-217
Yuwen Tai, Sugiura Yosuke, Yasui Nozomiko, Shimamura Tetsuya. Two-Stage Filter Response Normalization Network for Real Image Denoising. Journal of Signal Processing. 2022. 26. 6. 183-187
more... MISC (105): -
Hiroaki Osawa, Nozomiko Yasui, Yosuke Sugiura, Tetsuya Shimamura. Development of Chord Recognition System Using Sparse Signal Processing and Cosine Similarity. roceeding of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing 2024. 2024
大澤 弘明, 北条 拓巳, 安井 希子, 杉浦 陽介, 島村 徹也. スパース信号処理とコサイン類似度を用いた和音名認識システムの開発. 第26回日本音響学会関西支部若手研究者交流研究発表会. 2023
Nozomiko Yasui, Masanobu Miura. Design of alert sound for electric vehicle based on fluctuation strength for amplitude fluctuation. Proc. of Inter-noise 2023. 2023. 7343-7350
春日 玲人, 杉浦 陽介, 安井 希子, 島村徹也. 音声強調性能改善に向けたデータ拡張手法導入の検討. 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. 2023. 122. 410. 64-69
Naoyuki Funabashi, Yosuke Sugiura, Nozomiko Yasui, Tetsuya Shimamura. Improvement of Automated Modulation Classification Using Independent Component Analysis. Proceeding of RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing 2023. 2023
more... Patents (6): Books (4): - 物理と心理から見る音楽の音響
コロナ社 2024 ISBN:9784339011661
- 音楽知覚認知ハンドブック : 音楽の不思議の解明に挑む科学 = Handbook of music perception and cognition to study music wonders scientifically
北大路書房 2020 ISBN:9784762830990
- 音響学入門ペディア
コロナ社 2017 ISBN:9784339008951
- 音響キーワードブック
コロナ社 全482頁 2016
Education (3): - 2009 - 2012 Ryukoku University
- 2007 - 2009 Ryukoku University
- 2003 - 2007 Ryukoku University Faculty of Science and Technology Department of Media Informatics
Professional career (1): Work history (4): - 2023/04 - 現在 National Institute of Technology, Kisarazu College Department of Information and Computer Engineering Assistant Professor
- 2018/09 - 2023/03 Saitama University Graduate School of Science and Engineering Assistant Professor
- 2016/04 - 2018/08 National Institute of Technology, Matsue College Department of Information Engineering
- 2012/04 - 2016/03 National Institute of Technology, Matsue College
Awards (3): - 2015/03 - 日本音響学会 学会活動貢献賞
- 2011/12 - 日本音楽知覚認知学会 研究選奨
- 2011/09 - 日本音響学会 粟屋潔学術奨励賞
Association Membership(s) (4):
, 信号処理学会
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