Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
2018 - 2022 小区分ごとの貧困層実態把握への統計的アプローチ---貧困・格差是正に向けて
2018 - 2021 世帯統計ミクロデータによる国際比較分析に関する研究
2014 - 2016 Development of statistical inference in small area estimation for developing countries and biometrics
2012 - 2014 経験最良線形不偏予測量の予測誤差に関する研究--小地域推定とその拡張--
Papers (14):
Masayo Y. Hirose, Shuhei Mano. Asymptotic UMVUE: Asymptotic Moments Matching the UMVUE under the Ewens Sampling Formula. Calcutta Statistical Association Bulletin. 2023. 75. 2. 197-219
Masayo Y. Hirose, Malay Ghosh, Tamal Ghosh. ARC-SIN TRANSFORMATION FOR BINOMIAL SAMPLE PROPORTIONS IN SMALL AREA ESTIMATION. Statistica Sinica. 2023. 33. 2. 705-727
Malay Ghosh, Tamal Ghosh, Masayo Y. Hirose. Poisson Counts, Square Root Transformation and Small Area Estimation: Square Root Transformation. Sankhya B. 2022. 84. 2. 449-471
Masayo Y. Hirose, Partha Lahiri. Multi-Goal Prior Selection: A Way to Reconcile Bayesian and Classical Approaches for Random Effects Models. Journal of the American Statistical Association. 2021. 116. 535. 1487-1497