J-GLOBAL ID:201601014450168631
Update date: Feb. 04, 2025 Sakuragi Shigeo
サクラギ シゲオ | Sakuragi Shigeo
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Assistant Professor
Homepage URL (1): https://sites.google.com/view/wasedabannailab/english?authuser=0 Research field (4):
, Pharmacology
, Neuroscience - general
, Physiology
Research keywords (13):
, anesthesia
, Synaptic Plasticity
, Neurodegenerative disease
, Memory
, Alzheimer disease
, Hippocampus
, Astrocyte
, Electrophysiology
, single particle tracking
, Calcium imaging
, Optogenetics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3): - 2023 - 2026 1分子動態解析による揮発性麻酔薬の作用機序の解明
- 2023 - 2026 術後認知機能障害と麻酔薬曝露前のタウ凝集体量の関係
- 2013 - 2018 Optogenetic study of neural architecture involved in the spatiotemporal tactile pattern recognition
Papers (9): -
Shigeo Sakuragi, Tomoya Uchida, Naoki Kato, Boxiao Zhao, Toshiki Takahashi, Akito Hattori, Yoshihiro Sakata, Yoshiyuki Soeda, Akihiko Takashima, Hideaki Yoshimura, et al. Inducing aggresome and stable tau aggregation in Neuro2a cells with an optogenetic tool. Biophysics and Physicobiology. 2024. e210023
Hiroko Bannai, Fumihiro Niwa, Shigeo Sakuragi, Katsuhiko Mikoshiba. Inhibitory synaptic transmission tuned by Ca<sup>2+</sup> and glutamate through the control of GABA<sub>A</sub>R lateral diffusion dynamics. Development, Growth & Differentiation. 2020. 62. 6. 398-406
Yueren Liu, Tomokazu Ohshiro, Shigeo Sakuragi, Kyo Koizumi, Hajime Mushiake, Toru Ishizuka, Hiromu Yawo. Optogenetic study of the response interaction among multi-afferent inputs in the barrel cortex of rats. Scientific Reports. 2019. 9. 1
- Shigeo Sakuragi, Fumihiro Niwa, Yoichi Oda, Katsuhiko Mikoshiba, Hiroko Bannai. Astroglial Ca2+ signaling is generated by the coordination of IP3R and store-operated Ca2+ channels. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 2017. 486. 4. 879-885
- Alemeh Zamani*, Shigeo Sakuragi*, Toru Ishizuka, Hiromu Yawo. Kinetic characteristics of chimeric channelrhodopsins implicate the molecular identity involved in desensitization. Biophys. Physicobiol. 2017. 14. 13-22
more... Lectures and oral presentations (21): -
Isoflurane affects GABA<sub>A</sub> and AMPA receptor dynamics and distribution without altering lipid bilayer fluidity
(Neuro2024 2024)
Regulation of intracellular tau dynamics using optogenetic tools
(21st IUPAB Congress 2024 2024)
Isoflurane-induced changes in AMPA and GABA<sub>A</sub> receptor cluster distribution
(The 61st Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan 2023)
Do volatile anesthetics act directly on neurotransmitter receptors?
(42th Annual Meeting of Japanese Narcotics Research Conference 2023)
The possibility of direct influences on GABA<sub>A</sub> and AMPA receptors dynamics and distribution by isoflurane
(The46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society 2023)
more... Education (2): - 2010 - 2014 Osaka University Graduate School of Frontier Biosciences
- 2006 - 2010 Osaka University Faculty of Science
Work history (5): - 2022/04 - 現在 Waseda University Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Advanced Science and Engineering Assistant Professor
- 2020/04 - 2022/03 Waseda University Research Institute for Science and Engineering Junior Researcher
- 2018/04 - 2020/03 Yamagata University Faculty of Medicine School of Medicine Assistant Professor
- 2016/04 - 2018/03 Tohoku University Graduate School of Life Sciences Specially Appointed Assistant Professor
- 2014/10 - 2016/03 Nagoya University Graduate School of Science Postdoctral fellow
Committee career (1): - 2023 - 現在 Waseda University Collaboration Council Working Members of the Joint Research Group
Awards (2): - 2022/12 - 早稲田大学ティーチングアワード
- 2018/07 - 5th Biophysics and Physicobioloby Editors' Choice Award
Association Membership(s) (3):
, The Biophysical Society of Japan
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