J-GLOBAL ID:201701003867658874
Update date: Jan. 28, 2025 Takeshima Ryoma
タケシマ リョウマ | Takeshima Ryoma
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Homepage URL (1): http://www.naro.affrc.go.jp/nics-neo/introduction/chart/0702/index.html Research field (2):
Molecular biology
, Plant genetics and breeding
Research keywords (6):
, 自家不和合性
, ゲノム
, ダイズ
, ソバ
, 育種
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6): Papers (17): -
Ryo Yamazaki, Yohei Nanjo, Masayasu Saruta, Shin Kato, Kaori Hirata, Kenta Nakashima, Ryoma Takeshima, Koji Takahashi, Emiko Aoki. High-yield factors in the new soybean cultivar ‘Soramizuki’ derived from a US parent cultivar. Plant Production Science. 2025
Jeffrey A Fawcett, Ryoma Takeshima, Shinji Kikuchi, Euki Yazaki, Tomoyuki Katsube-Tanaka, Yumei Dong, Meifang Li, Harriet V Hunt, Martin K Jones, Diane L Lister, et al. Genome sequencing reveals the genetic architecture of heterostyly and domestication history of common buckwheat. Nature plants. 2023
Tatsuro Suzuki, Takahiro Noda, Toshikazu Morishita, Koji Ishiguro, Shiori Otsuka, Jotaro Aii, Ayana Nakano, Kenjiro Katsu, Katsuhiro Matsui, Ryoma Takeshima, et al. Characterisation of starch properties and physical characteristics in buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench.) mutant lacking accumulation of ‘granule-bound starch synthase a’. Plant Breeding. 2023
Ryoma Takeshima, Shun Murakami, Yosuke Fujiwara, Keiko Nakano, Ritsuko Fuchiyama, Takahiro Hara, Takeo Shima, Takuya Koyama. Subsurface drainage and raised-bed planting reduce excess water stress and increase yield in common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench). Field Crops Research. 2023. 297. 108935-108935
Ryoma Takeshima, Shiori Yabe, Katsuhiro Matsui. Genetic basis of maturity time is independent from that of flowering time and contributes to ecotype differentiation in common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench). BMC Plant Biology. 2022. 22. 1. 353-353
more... MISC (43): -
竹島 亮馬, Fawcett Jeffrey, 平川 英樹, 松井 勝弘, 大田 竜也, 安井 康夫. Orphan Cropのゲノム解読と育種利用 〜ソバ属を例に〜. 日本植物学会第88回大会 シンポジウム「環境の変化に対する多様な生物の生存戦略に学ぶ」. 2024
Ryoma Takeshima, Katsuhiro Matsui, Yasuo Yasui. Inbreeding enhanced transcriptome and methylome changes may involve in depression of reproductive growth in common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench). ASPB Plant Biology 2024. 2024
Yamazaki Ryo, Nanjo Yohei, Saruta Masayasu, Kato Shin, Hirata Kaori, Nakashima Kenta, Takeshima Ryoma, Takahashi Koji, Aoki Emiko. Analysis of factors that causes high yield of soybean variety “Soramizuki”, developed from a high yielding U.S. variety. Abstracts of Meeting of the CSSJ. 2024. 257. 11-11
竹島亮馬, FAWCETT J., 松井勝弘, 水野信之, 松本大生, 平川英樹, 大田竜也, 安井康夫. Genetic architecture of heteromorphic self-incompatibility in common buckwheat. 育種学研究. 2023. 25
TAKAHASHI Yu, TAKESHIMA Ryoma, KAGA Akito. Soybean breeding learning from pulses. Journal of the NARO Research and Development. 2023. 2023. 13. 81-87
more... Patents (2): Professional career (1): Awards (5): - 2023/09 - 日本育種学会 第144回講演会日本育種学会優秀発表賞 ソバの異形花型自家不和合性の分子機構とゲノム構造
- 2018/03 - Excellent Presentation Award An efficient genetic analysis of common buckwheat by using the AmpliSeq
- 2017/10 - Excellent Presentation Award The relationship between heterostyly and floral organ specific exo-polygalacturonase in buckwheat
- 2017/03 - Excellent Presentation Award Role of soybean florigen genes -FT2a and FT5a- in the control of pod setting
- 2015/12 - Excellent Presentation Award Fine-mapping of a QTL for flowering in linkage group J and an analysis for the candidate gene
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