J-GLOBAL ID:201801004573821053
Update date: Mar. 07, 2025 Ono Fumiko
オノ フミコ | Ono Fumiko
Affiliation and department: Other affiliations (1): Research field (1):
Veterinary medicine
Research keywords (3):
, Medical primatology
, zoonosis
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1): - 2020 - 2023 Risk crisis management of Risk management of Escherichia albertii contamination to fishery resources
Papers (122): -
Yuki Nishisaka, Hikaru Fujii, Fumiko Ono, Sho Kadekaru, Hiroyuki Kogiku, Yumi Une, Shione Takeguchi, Naomi Ohta, Masumi Eto, Chiharu Takeuchi, et al. Molecular characterization of feline caliciviruses isolated from several adult cats with atypical infection showing severe flu-like symptoms on a remote island in Ehime, Japan. Virus Research. 2025. 353. 199535-199535
Hiroaki Shibata, Fumiko Ono, Yuko Sato, Keiko Ohto, Nozomi Nakano, Morikazu Imamura, Motohiro Horiuchi, Minoru Tobiume, Ken'ichi Hagiwara. Lack of Evidence for Transmission of Atypical H-Type Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy Prions (H-BSE Prions) by Intracranial and Oral Challenges to Nonhuman Primates. Microbiology and immunology. 2025. 69. 1. 25-34
Yuki Sugiura, Fumiko Ono, Masakatsu Nohara, Mai Funabiki, Kenji Kutara, Teppei Kanda, Etsuko Yamada, Masanori Horie. Superior bone regenerative properties of carbonate apatite with locational bone-active factors through an inorganic process. Regenerative Therapy. 2024. 26. 760-766
Fumiaki Ihara, Hisako Kyan, Yasuhiro Takashima, Fumiko Ono, Kei Hayashi, Tomohide Matsuo, Makoto Igarashi, Yoshifumi Nishikawa, Kenji Hikosaka, Hirokazu Sakamoto, et al. Far-East Asian Toxoplasma isolates share ancestry with North and South/Central American recombinant lineages. Nature communications. 2024. 15. 1. 4278-4278
Yuki Sugiura, Fumiko Ono, Masakatsu Nohara, Kodai Niitsu, Yasuko Saito. Bone regeneration therapy: Developing of ceramic based bone substitute, which enables bone regeneration. Japanese Magazine of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences. 2024. 53. 1
more... MISC (80): -
西阪祐希, 渡辺俊平, 小野文子, 藤井ひかる, 嘉手苅将, 小菊洋行, 宇根有美, 瀧野起一, 竹内千春, 竹内正剛, et al. Isolation and phylogenetic analysis of feline calicivirus isolated from feral cats inhabiting a remote island in Ehime Prefecture. 日本ウイルス学会学術集会プログラム・予稿集(Web). 2023. 70th
SHIBATA Hiroaki, ONO Fumiko, MURAYAMA Yuichi, OKAMOTO Minoru, HAGIWARA Katsuro, YASUTOMI Yasuhiro. Modeling prion disease in non-human primates. Primate Research Supplement. 2021. 37. 50-50
- 小野文子. 実験動物施設における危機管理. 実験動物と環境. 2017. 49. 23-26
- 猪村武弘, 猪村梢, 五十嵐康宏, 稲垣明子, 柏山浩, 末田輝子, 笠井憲雪, 三好一郎, 小野文子, 安波洋一, et al. 簡便かつ効果的なサル糖尿病モデル構築法の検討. 日本膵・膵島移植研究会プログラム・抄録集. 2017. 44th
- 高井伸二, 門平睦代, 青木博史, 村田浩一, 前田健, 小野文子, 山本茂貴. 野生鳥獣肉の衛生管理について. 獣医公衆衛生研究. 2016. 18. 2. 5-9
more... Patents (1): Lectures and oral presentations (111): -
(日本実験動物技術者協会総会講演要旨集 2018)
(Veterinary Nursing 2017)
実験動物施設における危機管理 (第58回日本実験動物環境研究会平成28年度総会)
(実験動物と環境 2017)
(日本膵・膵島移植研究会プログラム・抄録集 2017)
(日本異種移植研究会プログラム・抄録集 2017)
more... Education (1): - 1982 - 1984 Yamaguchi University Faculty of Agriculture
Professional career (1): Work history (5): - 2024/04 - 現在 Okayama University of Science
- 2013/10 - 2018/03 Chiba Institute of Science Faculty of Risk and Crisis Management
- 1993/04 - 2013/09 社団法人 予防衛生協会 研究支援企画部 部長
- 1986/02 - 1993/03 The University of Tokyo The Institute of Medical Science
- 1984/04 - 1986/02 東京大学農学部畜産獣医学科 研究生
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