Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
2019 - 2022 Identification and characterization of an unprecedented D-peptide degrading enzyme
2016 - 2021 Biosynthetic redesign of small molecules aimed for the concurrent improvements of cell permeability and water solubility
Papers (29):
Kohei Kaneda, Yamato Takeuchi, Kazuya Yamanaka, Fumihito Hasebe, Chitose Maruyama, Yoshimitsu Hamano. Cell-penetrating activity of a short-chain ε-poly-l-α-lysine. Journal of bioscience and bioengineering. 2024
Fumihito Hasebe, Kazuya Adachi, Kazuya Yamanaka, Tadao Oikawa, Chitose Maruyama, Yoshimitsu Hamano. Constitutive and high gene expression in the diaminopimelate pathway accelerates ε-poly-L-lysine production in Streptomyces albulus. The Journal of antibiotics. 2023. 76. 9. 522-531
Yamato Takeuchi, Kazunori Ushimaru, Kohei Kaneda, Chitose Maruyama, Takashi Ito, Kazuya Yamanaka, Yasushi Ogasawara, Hajime Katano, Yasuo Kato, Tohru Dairi, et al. First direct evidence for direct cell-membrane penetrations of polycationic homopoly(amino acid)s produced by bacteria. Communications Biology. 2022. 5. 1
Takaki Okamoto, Kazuya Yamanaka, Yoshimitsu Hamano, Shingo Nagano, Tomoya Hino. Crystal structure of the adenylation domain from an ε-poly-l-lysine synthetase provides molecular mechanism for substrate specificity. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2022. 596. 43-48
Tadao Oikawa, Kouhei Okajima, Kazuya Yamanaka, Shiro Kato. First enzymological characterization of selenocysteine β-lyase from a lactic acid bacterium, Leuconostoc mesenteroides. Amino Acids. 2022
岸千紘, 山中一也, 五十嵐雅之, 濱野吉十, 丸山千登勢. Functional analysis of Phenylalanine dihydroxylase found in the resormycin biosynthetic gene cluster. 日本農芸化学会大会講演要旨集(Web). 2022. 2022
岸千紘, 丸山千登勢, 山中一也, 五十嵐雅之, 濱野吉十. Functional analysis of Phenylalanine dihydroxylase found in the resormycin biosynthetic gene cluster. 日本生物工学会大会講演要旨集. 2021. 73rd
美馬未紗希, 老川典夫, 山中一也. Effect of the proteasomal gene deletion in an ε-poly-L-lysine producer, Streptomyces albulus. 日本生物工学会大会講演要旨集. 2021. 73rd