Matsukura Hiroshi, Aratani Taro, Majima Takahiro. Ship Utilization for Transporting Relief Supplies after the Nankai Trough Earthquake- Ferry/RORO Fleet Transportation in Japan Sea during Push-type Transportation Term -. Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers. 2021. 34. 139-158
Matsukura Hiroshi. Estimation of Transportation Routes of Import / Export Marine Container Cargo by Deep Learning. Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers. 2020. 32. 32. 209-218
Matsukura Hiroshi, Aratani Taro, Majima Takahiro. Assessment of Ship Availability for Transporting Relief Supplies after the Nankai Trough Earthquake. Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers. 2020. 32. 32. 219-230
Ship Utilization for Transporting Relief Supplies after the Nankai Trough Earthquake : Half-Cracked Case Analysis and OD Planning Improvement of Ferry/RORO Fleet Transportation in Japan Sea. Conference proceedings, the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers. 2023. 36. 135-141
松倉洋史, 荒谷太郎, 間島隆博. Necessity of Maritime Transportation of Relief Supply Logistics at Wide Area Disaster. Conference proceedings, the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers. 2019. 28. 429-431