J-GLOBAL ID:201901001904268366
Update date: Dec. 16, 2024 Kajikawa Tomohiro
カジカワ トモヒロ | Kajikawa Tomohiro
Affiliation and department: Research field (2):
Tumor diagnostics and therapeutics
, Tumor diagnostics and therapeutics
Research keywords (9):
Lung function
, Artificial Intelligence
, Machine learning
, Image processing
, Deformable Image Registration
, Radiomics
, Deep Learning
, Medical physics
, Radiotherapy
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8): - 2024 - 2028 Development of an Artificial Intelligence-based Medical Support System for Standardization of interstitial Brachytherapy
- 2023 - 2026 深層強化学習による真の“人工知能型”自動放射線照射計画法の開発
- 2022 - 2025 Development of a Monte Carlo-based dose distribution verification system for HDR brachytherapy.
- 2022 - 2025 Development of new BNCT treatment using Shieve therapy and image fusion technique
- 2021 - 2024 Development and evaluation of adaptive radiotherapy for cervical cancer using IMRT and interstitial brachytherapy for international standardization
- 2021 - 2024 Image guided brachytherapy using transrectal ultrasound / MRI fusion imaging
- 2020 - 2023 放射線治療ワークフローに即した深層学習を用いた新たな肺機能画像取得システムの開発
- 2023 - Development of a system to determine the necessity of applicator insertion in brachytherapy for cervical cancer
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Papers (21): -
Gen Suzuki, Hideya Yamazaki, Norihiro Aibe, Koji Masui, Takuya Kimoto, Shinsuke Nagasawa, Kanako Kawabata, Tomohiro Kajikawa, Yuki Yoshino, Sho Seri, et al. Optimizing Therapeutic Approaches in Superficial Esophageal Cancer: Reduced-volume Radiotherapy and Dose-dense Chemotherapy After Endoscopic Resection. Anticancer research. 2024. 44. 7. 3133-3139
Ryota Tozuka, Noriyuki Kadoya, Seiji Tomori, Yuto Kimura, Tomohiro Kajikawa, Yuto Sugai, Yushan Xiao, Keiichi Jingu. Improvement of deep learning prediction model in patient-specific QA for VMAT with MLC leaf position map and patient's dose distribution. Journal of applied clinical medical physics. 2023. e14055
Yoshiyuki Katsuta, Noriyuki Kadoya, Tomohiro Kajikawa, Shina Mouri, Tomoki Kimura, Kazuya Takeda, Takaya Yamamoto, Nobuki Imano, Shohei Tanaka, Kengo Ito, et al. Radiation pneumonitis prediction model with integrating multiple dose-function features on 4DCT ventilation images. Physica Medica. 2023. 105. 102505-102505
Tomohiro Kajikawa, Noriyuki Kadoya, Yosuke Maehara, Hiroshi Miura, Yoshiyuki Katsuta, Shinsuke Nagasawa, Gen Suzuki, Hideya Yamazaki, Nagara Tamaki, Kei Yamada. A deep learning method for translating 3D-CT to SPECT ventilation imaging: First comparison with 81m Kr-gas SPECT ventilation imaging. Medical physics. 2022. 49. 7. 4353-4364
Yoshiyuki Katsuta, Noriyuki Kadoya, Shina Mouri, Shohei Tanaka, Takayuki Kanai, Kazuya Takeda, Takaya Yamamoto, Kengo Ito, Tomohiro Kajikawa, Yujiro Nakajima, et al. Prediction of radiation pneumonitis with machine learning using 4D-CT based dose-function features. Journal of radiation research. 2021. 63. 1. 71-79
more... MISC (8): -
前原 陽介, 永野 仁美, 梶川 智博, 小原 雄, 木田 節, 山田 惠. 原発性シェーグレン症候群と二次性シェーグレン症候群に関連した間質性肺炎の胸部CT所見の検討. 日本医学放射線学会秋季臨床大会抄録集. 2022. 58回. S404-S405
東末優, 梶川智博. 3Dプリンタを活用したシェル作成時負担軽減の検討. 日本診療放射線技師会誌. 2021. 68. 11. 1296-1296
- 角谷 倫之, 松田 匠平, 竹内 孝至, 梶川 智博, 田中 祥平, 田邊 俊平, 勝田 義之, 伊藤 謙吾, 神宮 啓一. 最新医用画像技術 AIと放射線治療. 臨床放射線. 2020. 65. 2. 163-171
K Abe, N Kadoya, S Tanaka, Y Nakajima, S Hashimoto, T Kajikawa, K Karasawa, K Jingu. The Feasibility of MVCT-Based Radiomics for Delta-Radiomics in Head and Neck Cancer. Medical Physics. 2019. 46. 6. e142-e142
H Nemoto, N Kadoya, T Kajikawa, Y Nakajima, T Kanai, Y Ieko, K, Takeda, K Jingu. Evaluation of Factors That Affect 4D Cone Beam CT-Ventilation Images for Adaptive Functional Avoidance Radiotherapy. Medical Physics. 2019. 46. 6. e378-e378
more... Patents (3): Books (1): - レディオミクス入門
オーム社 2021 ISBN:9784274226380
Lectures and oral presentations (9): -
(日本放射線腫瘍学会 第37回学術大会 2024)
Analysis of geometric features involved in additional needles by ML-based approach in cervical cancer brachytherapy
(24th Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics (AOCMP) 22nd Southeast Asia Congress of Medical Physics (SEACOMP))
AI in IGBT - Automated determination of applicator/needle insertion position -
(The 26th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Group of Brachytherapy/Japanese Society for Radiation Oncology 2024)
2022 医学物理士セミナー3 『放射線治療における画像の利用』(オンデマンド配信)
(第32回高精度放射線外部照射部会学術大会 2019)
more... Professional career (1): - Ph.D. (Medicine) (Tohoku University)
Committee career (1): - 2024/09 - 現在 The Japanese College of Medical Physics ICT Utilization Committee
Awards (4): - 2024/11 - Japanese Society for Radiation Oncology Highly cited award
- 2023/12 - Asia-Oceania Conference on Medical Physics Parameswaran Memorial AFOMP Best PhD Award
- 2022/09 - Japan Society of Medical Physics 第124回日本医学物理学会学術大会 大会長賞 銅賞
- 2020/04 - Japan Society of Medical Physics MCA(Most Citation Award)
Association Membership(s) (3):
The Japanese College of Medical Physics
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