J-GLOBAL ID:202301019880313593
Update date: Jun. 14, 2023
Oana Atsuko
オアナ アツコ | Oana Atsuko
Affiliation and department:
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
- 2019 - 2022 Development of next-generation high-performance seismic isolation system to prepare for earthquake ground motions with various properties
Papers (11):
OANA Atsuko, ISHII Toru, MIYASHITA Yuki, FURUKAWA Kei. Construction of Ground Motion Evaluation Models by Supervised Machine Learning Based on Strong Motion Database. Journal of Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering. 2022. 22. 4. 4_23-4_38
ISHII Toru, OANA Atsuko. Study on Site-Specific Earthquake Ground Motion Evaluation Models Utilizing Machine Learning Considering Epicentral Directions and Response Duration Times. Journal of Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering. 2022. 22. 2. 2_1-2_16
HAYAKAWA Takashi, OANA Atsuko. INCORPORATING RUPTURE DIRECTIVITY EFFECTS INSIDE SUBFAULTS IN STOCHASTIC GREEN'S FUNCTION METHOD. Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering (Transactions of AIJ). 2020. 85. 775. 1145-1155
OANA Atsuko, DAN Kazuo, MIYAKOSHI Jun'ichi, FUJIWARA Hiroyuki, MORIKAWA Nobuyuki. Study on the Method of Strong Motion Prediction at Very Close to the Fault Trace for the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake. Journal of Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering. 2019. 19. 6. 6_76-6_90
DAN Kazuo, TOHDO Masanobu, OANA Atsuko. Examination of Averaged Stress Drop Equations Connecting Outer and Inner Fault Parameters for Strong Motion Prediction. Journal of Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering. 2019. 19. 5. 5_96-5_110
MISC (48):
小穴 温子, 菊地 優, 壇 一男, 井ノ上 大門, 射場 淳. 千島海溝沿い巨大地震による強震動予測と免震建物の動的応答解析-Estimation of strong ground motions from mega earthquakes along the Kuril-Kamchatka Trench and their effects on seismically isolated buildings. 北海道地区自然災害科学資料センター報告 = Bulletin of the Natural Disaster Science Data Center, Hokkaido. 2023. 36. 41-59
小穴 温子, 石井 透, 古川 慧, 宮下 裕貴. 機械学習による地震動評価モデル-Earthquake Ground Motion Evaluation Models Using Machine Learning-小特集 BCP,防災・減災. 清水建設研究報告. 2022. 100. 37-44
KAWASAKI Yuta, OANA Atsuko, HAIZUMI Kyohei, ISHII Toru. Determining the Availability of Analysis Using CNN with Earthquake Ground Motion Time History. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI. 2022. JSAI2022. 1I4OS14a04-1I4OS14a04
石井 透, 小穴 温子, 和田 健介. 21098 機械学習による地震動評価モデルの特徴量としての震央方位の与え方とその効果の検討. 構造II. 2020. 2020. 195-196
小穴 温子, 石井 透, 和田 健介. 21100 異なる特徴量セットを用いて機械学習により構築した地震動評価モデルとその予測結果に関する検討. 構造II. 2020. 2020. 199-200
Patents (11):
Awards (1):
- 2020/05 - 日本地震工学会 2019年度日本地震工学会論文奨励賞 2016年熊本地震を対象とした震源断層近傍における強震動評価手法に関する検討
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