J-GLOBAL ID:200901089442478073
Update date: Jul. 17, 2024
Takago Shigeki
タカゴウ シゲキ | Takago Shigeki
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Affiliation and department:
Industrial Research Institute of Ishikawa Department of Machinary & Metallurgy
About Industrial Research Institute of Ishikawa Department of Machinary & Metallurgy
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Job title:
Senior Researcher
Research field (1):
Metallic materials
Research keywords (4):
, X線解析
, Material Strength
, X-ray Analysis
Papers (10):
Toshihiko Sasaki, Ryoji Mizuno, Shigeki Takago, Yoshihisa Mishima. Standardization of cosα method for X-ray stress measurement. Materials Science Forum. 2021. 1016. 1240-1245
Koki Tamekuni, Toru Harigai, Takafumi Toya, Hirofumi Takikawa, Tsuyoshi Tanimoto, Shigeki Takago, Haruyuki. Electrical resistivity and mechanical properties of nitrogen-containing diamondlike carbon/tungsten and nitrogen-containing diamondlike carbon/tungsten carbide multilayer films prepared under low substrate temperature. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B. 2019. 38. Issue1. 011801-1-011801-7
Harigai Toru, Tamekuni Koki, Iijima Yushi, Degai Satoshi, Tanimoto Tsuyoshi, Suda Yoshiyuki, Takikawa Hirofumi, Takago Shigeki, Yasui Haruyuki, Kaneko Satoru, et al. Wear-resistive and electrically conductive nitrogen-containing DLC film consisting of ultra-thin multilayers prepared by using filtered arc deposition. JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. 2019. 58
Katsuyuki Funaki, Kaname Fujii, Shigeki Takago, Toshimitu Okane, Takeshi Kobayashi, Takafumi Akashi. Effect of Age-Hardening to Metal Structure and Tribology Characteristics of Lead-Free Bismuth Bronze Casting Containing Sulfur. MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS. 2017. 58. 11. 1555-1561
Shigeki Takago, Haruyuki Yasui, Akihiro Uemura, Tomomi Inoue, Kenji Sakurai. Influence of mechanical properties on the adhesion strength of the nickel plating. JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. 2014. 53. 5
MISC (63):
鷹合滋樹, 谷内大世, 宮本勘史, 藤井要. 試験・測定技術 スクラッチ試験機による硬質めっきの密着性評価技術. 月刊トライボロジー. 2019. 384. 24-25
爲國公貴, 針谷達, 出貝敏, 谷本壮, 須田善行, 滝川浩史, 鷹合滋樹, 安井治之, 金子智, 國次真輔, et al. 周期的N-DLC/WC積層構造を持つ導電性耐摩耗膜の作製. 応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM). 2019. 66th. ROMBUNNO.10a-M113-4-1277
日野実, 今村勇斗, 今村勇斗, 今井田至世, 石井颯, 石井颯, 浅下秀昭, 安井治之, 鷹合滋樹, 堀川敬太郎. Hydrogen Embrittlement for High Strength Steel Treated with Zinc and Zinc-Nickel Alloy Electroplating from a Sulfate Bath and Hydrogen Permeability. 表面技術. 2019. 70. 2. 110-114-114
HINO Makoto, IMAMURA Yuto, IMAIDA Tessei, ISHII Hayate, ASASHITA Hideaki, YASUI Haruyuki, TAKAGO Shigeki, HORIKAWA Keitaro. Hydrogen Embrittlement for High Strength Steel Treated with Zinc and Zinc-Nickel Alloy Electroplating from a Sulfate Bath and Hydrogen Permeability. Journal of The Surface Finishing Society of Japan. 2019. 70. 2. 110-114
針谷達, 依田文徳, 出貝敏, 爲國公貴, 谷本壮, 須田善行, 滝川浩史, 朝倉義博, 鷹合滋樹, 安井治之, et al. めっき金属材の曲げプレス加工傷抑制のためのDLC保護膜. 応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM). 2018. 79th. ROMBUNNO.20a-PB9-1-1339
Patents (5):
Books (1):
鷹合滋樹 2001
Education (2):
- 2001 Kanazawa University
- 2001 Kanazawa University Graduate School, Division of National Science and Technology
Professional career (1):
Awards (3):
2017/09 - 公益財団法人中部科学技術センター 中部科学技術センター会長賞(研究功績者) 鉄鋼部品の表面強化技術および非破壊検査技術と応用に関する研究
1997 - 46Th Denver X-ray Conference, BEST POSTER AWARD
1997 - 第33回X線材料強度に関するシンポジウム最優秀発表賞
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 日本材料学会
, 日本機械学会
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