J-GLOBAL ID:200902149817488299   Reference number:01A0348661

Effects of Potato Starch and Modified Potato Starch on Breadmaking Properties.

Author (2):
Volume: 34  Issue:Page: 53-61  Publication year: Feb. 20, 2001 
JST Material Number: Y0637A  ISSN: 1341-1535  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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JST classification (2):
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Starch  ,  Flour products 
Reference (18):
  • 1)島下昌夫(1992), 調理と化工澱粉 日本調理科学会誌, 25, 243-248
  • 2)小倉徳重(1977), その他の澱粉誘導体, 澱粉科学ハンドブック, 二國二郎監修, 中村道徳, 鈴木繁男編, 朝倉書店, 東京, 515-518
  • 3)高橋禮治(2000), でん粉製品の知識, 幸書房, 東京, 92-118
  • 4) Takahashi, S., Maningat, C. C. and Seib, P. A. (1989), Acetylated and hydroxypropylated whea t starch: paste and gel properties compared with modified maize and tapioca starches, Cereal Ch em., 66, 499-506
  • 5)高橋節子(1992), ヒドロキシプ「ロピル小麦澱粉の調理・加工適性, 澱粉科学, 39, 41-49
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