J-GLOBAL ID:200902180035130268   Reference number:96A0627326

Experimental Studies on Rice Stickiness in Varietal Difference. (Part 1). Direct measurement of cohesiveness and properties of residual cooking liquid for indica and japonica rices.

米質評価における米飯のねばりに関する実験的研究 (第1報) 米飯の粘着力と炊飯液の特性によるインディカ,ジャポニカ米の評価
Author (4):
Volume: 27  Issue:Page: 3-10  Publication year: Jun. 1996 
JST Material Number: L0964A  ISSN: 0388-8517  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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General  ,  Food quality 
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