J-GLOBAL ID:200903025461998818


Applicant, Patent owner:
Gazette classification:公開公報
Application number (International application number):2002329288
Publication number (International publication number):2004161671
Application date: Nov. 13, 2002
Publication date: Jun. 10, 2004
Claim (excerpt):
IPC (10):
A61K45/06 ,  A61K31/337 ,  A61K31/407 ,  A61K31/4745 ,  A61K31/704 ,  A61K31/7048 ,  A61K33/24 ,  A61K39/395 ,  A61P35/00 ,  A61P43/00
FI (13):
A61K45/06 ,  A61K31/337 ,  A61K31/407 ,  A61K31/4745 ,  A61K31/704 ,  A61K31/7048 ,  A61K33/24 ,  A61K39/395 D ,  A61K39/395 N ,  A61P35/00 ,  A61P43/00 105 ,  A61P43/00 111 ,  A61P43/00 121
F-Term (25):
4C084AA20 ,  4C084NA05 ,  4C084ZB211 ,  4C084ZB212 ,  4C084ZB262 ,  4C084ZC202 ,  4C084ZC752 ,  4C085AA13 ,  4C085AA14 ,  4C086AA01 ,  4C086AA02 ,  4C086BA02 ,  4C086CB03 ,  4C086CB22 ,  4C086DA32 ,  4C086EA10 ,  4C086EA11 ,  4C086HA12 ,  4C086HA28 ,  4C086MA02 ,  4C086MA04 ,  4C086NA05 ,  4C086ZB21 ,  4C086ZB26 ,  4C086ZC75
Patent cited by the Patent:
Cited by applicant (2) Cited by examiner (2)
Article cited by the Patent:
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