Research keywords (24):
新石器考古学(신석기시대 고고학)
, 初期農耕(초기 농경)
, Cultural Heritage Studies
, The Museology
, The Culture Resources Theory
, The Disposal Culture Theory
, The Undecorated pottery (The so-called undecorated coarsely-made pottery) culture on the Korean Peninsula
, History of Industrial Arts
, Cultural Assets Studies
, Studies of Museum Education
, Studies of Museum Collections
, Shell Mound Culture
, Komainu (shrine guardian dog statues)
, The Belt Area of Tsushima Warm Current
, The Belt Area of Kuroshio Warm Current
, 大洞C2~大洞A式併行期の動態(오오보라C2-A식 병행기의 동태)
, 大陸系石刀(대륙계 석도)
, Plain(Unfigured)Pottery
, 갈판・갈돌
, The Farming Theory of the Jomon Period
, 埋蔵文化財(매장문화재)
, 環境適応論(환경 적응 이론:縄文草創期)
, Jomon Pottery (the Cord-Marked Pottery)
, 出土文化財論(출토 문화재 이론:博物館資料学)