J-GLOBAL ID:201601009820983158
Update date: Nov. 19, 2024 Takahashi Chika
Takahashi Chika
Affiliation and department: Research field (1):
Foreign language education
Research keywords (2):
, 応用言語学
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2): - 2023 - 2028 複数言語の学習動機づけと外国語教育に関する実証研究
- 2019 - 2023 国際共通語としての英語に対する態度と外国語学習に関する実証研究
Papers (21): -
Chika Takahashi, Seongah Im. Attitudes toward the spread of English and language learning motivation: A graded response model analysis. International Journal of Applied Linguistics. 2023. 33. 2. 190-206
高橋千佳. 複数言語を学習する動機づけの予備的分析-英語の広がりに対する態度に着目して-. 愛媛大学法文学部論集人文学編. 2022. 53. 113-141
TAKAHASHI Chika. Developing the Ideal Multilingual Self in the Era of Global English: A Case in the Japanese Context. The Language Learning Journal. 2021. 49. 3. 358-369
Chika Takahashi, Seongah Im. Comparing Self-Determination Theory and the L2 Motivational Self System and Their Relationships to L2 Proficiency. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching. 2020. 10. 4. 673-696
Affective and Motivational Changes After Intercultural Encounters: Effects of Study Abroad on Japanese Learners of English. 2020. 48. 151-160
more... MISC (2): -
高橋 千佳. 留学に対する興味の有無に注目した大学生のL2動機づけプロフィール分析. 平成27年度愛媛大学法文学部人文系担当学部長裁量経費事業成果報告書. 2016
Brown, J. D, Davis, J. M, Nakamura, K, Takahashi, C. Upper-level EIKEN examinations: Linking, validating, and predicting TOEFL iBT scores at advanced proficiency Eiken levels. Report for the Society for Testing English Proficiency. 2012
Books (3): - Japanese Learners' LOTE Motivation and Persistence in Learning: Focusing on the Influence of English. In A. Hajar, & S. A. Manan (Eds.), Multilingual selves and motivations for learning languages other than English in Asian contexts (pp. 71-88)
Multilingual Matters 2024 ISBN:9781800417212
- 人はなぜ言語を学ぶのか : 2人の日本人多言語学習者の記録
くろしお出版 2024 ISBN:9784874249659
- Motivation to Learn Multiple Languages in Japan : A Longitudinal Perspective
Multilingual Matters 2023 ISBN:9781800414839
Lectures and oral presentations (23): -
PLL in Japan: Diversity, Opportunity, Excellence
(全国語学教育学会第50回年次国際大会教材展示会 2024)
LOTE and English Motivations After Compulsory Courses
(全国語学教育学会第50回年次国際大会教材展示会 2024)
Choosing to Learn Languages in the Technologically Advanced Era: Lessons from a Motivation Study of Two Japanese Learners
A Multiple-Case Study of LOTE Motivation in Japan: Beyond the Negative Influence of Global English
Enduring Translingual Transcultural Orientation That Sustains Multiple Language Learning: Insights from a Longitudinal Motivation Study
more... Education (4): - 2009 - 2013 University of Hawaii at Manoa Second Language Studies
- 2004 - 2006 Rikkyo University
- 1996 - 2000 Carleton College
- 1996 - 1996 The University of Tokyo
Professional career (1): - Ph.D. (University of Hawaii at Manoa)
Work history (7): Awards (2): - 2010/11 - Language Learning Doctoral Dissertation Grant
- 1996/09 - グルー基金奨学金
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