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J-GLOBAL ID:201702223080288211   Reference number:17A0234395

Effect of humidity on diameter of polyamide 6 nanofiber in electrospinning process

Author (3):
Volume:Issue:Page: 16-00289(J-STAGE)  Publication year: 2016 
JST Material Number: U0484A  ISSN: 2187-9745  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: ENGLISH (EN)
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On J-GLOBAL, this item will be available after more than half a year after the record posted. In addtion, medical articles require to login to MyJ-GLOBAL.

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Textile physics  ,  Other fiber manufacturing and yarn processing 
Reference (16):
  • Baji, A., Yin, W. M., Shing, C. W., Abtahi, M., and Du X., Mechanical behavior of self-assembled carbon nanotube reinforced nylon 6, 6 fibers, Composites Science and Technology, Vol.70 (2010), pp.1401-1409.
  • Cai, Y., Li, Q., Wei, Q., Wu, Y., Song, L., Hu, Y., Structures, thermal stability, and crystalline properties of polyamide6/organic-modified Fe-montmorillonite composite nanofibers by electrospinning, Journal of Materials Science, Vol.43 (2008), pp.6132-6138.
  • Dror, Y., Salalha, W., Khalfin, R. L., Cohen, Y., Yarin, A. L., and Zussman, E., Carbon Nanotubes Embedded in Oriented Polymer Nanofibers by Electrospinning, Langmuir, Vol.19 (2012), pp.7012-7020.
  • Grafe, T., Gogins, M., Barris, M., Schaefer, J., Ric Canepa Donaldson Company Inc., Nanofibers in Filtration Applications in Transportation, Presented at Filtration 2001 International Conference and Exposition of the INDA, (2001).
  • Inagaki, M., Yang, Y., and Kang, F., Carbon Nanofibers Prepared via Electrospinning, Adv. Mater, Vol.24 (2012), pp.2547-2566.
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