Research field (3):
Machine elements and tribology
, Mechanics and mechatronics
, Robotics and intelligent systems
Research keywords (4):
, 機構学
, 人間機械協調
, ロボット工学
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5):
2021 - 2024 ハンディキャップをもつ児童向け電動モビリティ
2021 - 2023 ボトムアップ型作業改善が可能な移動ロボットの機構と制御
2019 - 2022 Challenges in Collaborative In-plant Logistics Systems to Achieve Human Error Free
2020 - 2021 ロボットと物理の実験室~ロボットと物理をどっちも体験!!~
2020 - 2021 波動実験を用いたアクティブ・ラーニングによる学習効果の検討
Papers (7):
Yuta WAKABAYASHI, Jun KINUGAWA, Masaya KAMIOKA, Kazuhiro KOSUGE. Simultaneous transporttation of multiple shelves by single mobile robot and passive docking mechanism. Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese). 2021. 87. 902
Shoichi Hasegawa, Koshi Makihara, Siddharth Padmanabhan, Yuta Wakabayashi. Pursuit of Intelligent Robots that Humans Can Sense Having a “Heart''. Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan. 2024. 42. 3. 247-252
On special issue “New Trends in Robot Education”. 2024. 42. 3. 194-195
Yuta WAKABAYASHI, Takao MUROMAKI, Junichi TOUJI, Syohei YAMAMOTO, Chikara NAKAGAWA, Koichiro YAMADA, Kaoru TOYODA. Online Education of Mechanical Design in NIT(KOSEN), Maizuru College. 2022. 57. 1. 7-13
Yuta WAKABAYASHI, Takao MUROMAKI, Shintaro MURAKAMI, Chikara NAKAGAWA, Hidekazu MACHIDA, Kaoru TOYODA. Mechanical Design Education in NIT, Maizuru College. Journal of Japan Society for Design Engineering. 2020. 55. 3. 162-168