研究キーワード (7件):
, 地域環境史
, 南アジア地域史
, 歴史地理学
, Regional Eco-history and Studies on Island-shaped Field
, Regional History of South Asia
, Historical Geography
競争的資金等の研究課題 (6件):
1999 - 2008 地域環境史に関する理論的・実証的研究
1999 - 2008 Studies on Regional Eco-history
Traders in Peiodic Markets in South Asia
On the Socio-economic Stoucture of Upland Field Villages in the Edo Period
MISC (43件):
Historical perspective of environmental differentiation in Japan's nineteenth century. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference of HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHERS, Kyoto 2009. 2010. 23-274
Historical perspective of environmental differentiation in Japan's nineteenth century. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference of HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHERS, Kyoto 2009. 2010. 23-274
Spatial differentiation of Nobi Area in Edo and Meiji Area. Proceedings of Historical Maps and GIS Nagoya university Library. 2008. 93-102
Slash-and-Burn Field Cultivation in Pre-Modern Japan. The Oxford-Kobe Environmental Seminar: The Environmental hisrories of Europe and Japan 11th-14th September 2007 Kobe Instutute. 2008. 58-59