Takahashi Yuki, Uvnas-Moberg Kerstin, Nissen Eva, Lidfors Lena, Ransjo-Arvidson Anna-Beri, Jonas Wibke. Epidural Analgesia With or Without Oxytocin, but Not Oxytocin Alone, Administered During Birth Disturbs Infant Pre-feeding and Sucking Behaviors and Maternal Oxytocin Levels in Connection With a Breastfeed Two Days Later. FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE. 2021. 15. 673184
Epidural Analgesia With or Without Oxytocin, but Not Oxytocin Alone, Administered During Birth Disturbs Infant Pre-feeding and Sucking Behaviors and Maternal Oxytocin Levels in Connection With a Breastfeed Two Days Later. Front Neurosci . 2021
Yuki Takahashi, Miyoko Matsushima, P, Tomoko Nishida, Keiko Tanabe, Tsutomu Kawabe, Koji Tamakoshi. Obstetric factors associated with salivary cortisol levels of healthy full-term infants immediately after birth. Clinical and Experimental Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2018. 0. 6. doi: 10.12891/ceog4088.2018
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Association of early skin-to-skin contact with mother-infant attachment for the first month
(8th Yonsei-Nagoya university exchange meeting 2017)
(日本母性衛生学会 2017)
(母乳哺育学会 2017)
Associations between the Pregnancy Health Reference and the course of pregnancy and delivery of a Grandmother and Mother, revealed through their Maternal and Child Health Handbooks
(International Confederation of Midwives 2017)
Association of offspring's body size at birth with pregnancy courses of their grandmother and mother as noted in two Maternal and Child Health Handbooks
(International Confederation of Midwives 2017)