研究キーワード (5件):
, 電子デバイス
, 電子物性
, Semiconductor device
, Thin film of semiconductor materials
競争的資金等の研究課題 (3件):
2000 - 2002 シリコン基板上の化合物半導体低温ヘテロエピタキシー成長
Deposition techniqcee and estimation of compouid Semiconductor materials
論文 (27件):
Yoshio Kawamata, Daisuke Ono, Hiroshi Ito, Hiroyuki Nikkuni, Mikio Ito. Film structure and optical characteristics of a-Si:H prepared with a rotary table type layer-by-layer sputtering method for application in short-wave near-infrared filters. Optical Materials Express. 2022. 12. 11. 4223-4234
Yoshio Kawamata, Hiroshi Ito, Hiroyuki Nikkuni, Mikio Ito. Substrate Potential Dependence of Optical Characteristics of a-Si:H for Shortwave Near-infrared Filter by DC and RF Sputtering. e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology. 2022. 20. 2. 68-75