Satoshi Kurumi, Yusuke Takahara, Takafumi Ohno, Ken-ichi Matsuda, and Kaoru Suzuki. Synthesis of Diamond-Like Carbon Films Deposited by the Ionization Vapor Method and Development of its Semiconductive Devices Fabricated by the Focused Ga Ion Beam Implantation. Electronics and Communications in Japan. 2018. 101. 4. 34-41
2014/07 - Korean Institute of Electrical Engineering Best Paper Award Optical Effect on the Growth of Ni-filled Carbon Nanotubes using Gas/Solid Interfacial Discharge Pyrolysis
2007/11 - 放電学会 功績賞
所属学会 (5件):
, レーザー学会
, The International Society for Optical Engineering
, 応用物理学会
, 放電学会