- 2021/10 - 2021年度日本生体医工学会東海支部大会事務局 奨励賞 U-Netを用いたフレーム補間による2次元心臓超音波検査の画像診断補助法の検討
- 2013/02/13 - SPIE Medical Imaging2013 Poster Award,Honorable Mention Temporal subtraction system on torso FDG-PET scans based on statistical image analysis
- 2011/12/01 - 北米医学放射線学会2011 Certificate of Merit賞 GetHigher AUC! A Real-time ROC Software for Interpretation Training
- 2011/10 - 小野木科学技術振興財団 発明表彰
- 2009/03/06 - 欧州医学放射線会議2009 Certificate of Merit賞 Computer-aided diagnostic tools in cancer detection and therapy using statistical modeling of normal torso FDG-PET scans, European Society of Radiology 2009 (ECR2009), 2009.3.6-10, Vienna.
- 2008/11/30 - 北米医学放射線学会2008 Certificate of Merit賞 Real-time CAD System for Automated Detection of Calcifications in Breast Ultrasonography
- 2007/02/21 - SPIE Medical Imaging2007 Poster Award,Honorable Mention
- 2006/02/15 - SPIE Medical Imaging2006 Poster Award,Honorable Mention Computer-aided detection system of breast masses on ultrasound images
- 2001/11/01 - 北米医学放射線学会 Certificate of Merit賞
- 2000/11/20 - 北米医学放射線学会 Certificate of Merit賞
- 2000/06/01 - 医用画像情報学会 金森奨励賞 超音波断層像における腫瘤像の自動検出法