Koichi Kobayashi, Makoto Sakamoto, Tatsuya Soeno, Takashi Sato. Accuracy of an image matching technique for assessing knee alignment during the stance phase of gait using single-plane anteroposterior radiography. Bio-medical materials and engineering. 2024
Koichi Kobayashi, Makoto Sakamoto, Keisuke Sasagawa, Masaaki Nakai, Masashi Okamoto, Kazuhiro Hasegawa, Kengo Narita. Assessment of spinal alignment in standing position using Biplanar X-ray images and three-dimensional vertebral models. Porto Biomedical Journal. 2024. 9. 3
坂本 信, Surangika WADUGODAPITIYA, 森清 友亮, 田中 正栄, 小林 公一. ストレイン超音波エラストグラフィを用いたヒト膝関節包および膝内側側副靭帯の生体内剛性評価-In Vivo Stiffness Evaluation of Human Joint Capsule and Medial Collateral Ligament of Knee by Strain Ultrasound Elastography-運動器バイオメカニクス. 非破壊検査 : Jjournal of the Japanese Society for Non-destructive Inspection / 日本非破壊検査協会 編. 2023. 72. 4. 142-148