Hiroki Karyu, Takeshi Kuroda, Kazunari Itoh, Akira Nitta, Kohei Ikeda, Masaru Yamamoto, Norihiko Sugimoto, Naoki Terada, Yasumasa Kasaba, Masaaki Takahashi, et al. Vertical-Wind-Induced Cloud Opacity Variation in Low Latitudes Simulated by a Venus GCM. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 2023. 128. 2
Masaru Yamamoto. Effects of sea surface temperature anomalies on heavy rainfall in Tsushima Strait in late July 2020. Atmospheric Research. 2022. 278. 106336-106336
Masaru Yamamoto, Masaaki Takahashi. Sensitivities of general circulation and waves to horizontal subgrid-scale diffusion in long-term time-integrations of a dynamical core for Venus. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 2022. e2022JE007209
Norihiko Sugimoto, Yukiko Fujisawa, Mimo Shirasaka, Mirai Abe, Shin-ya Murakami, Toru Kouyama, Hiroki Ando, Masahiro Takagi, Masaru Yamamoto. Kelvin Wave and Its Impact on the Venus Atmosphere Tested by Observing System Simulation Experiment. Atmosphere. 2022. 13. 2. 182
Masaru Yamamoto. Atmospheric response to the North Pacific hotspot in idealized simulations: Application to explosive and binary cyclogenesis. Atmospheric Science Letters. 2021. 22. 10. e1060
Masaru Yamamoto. Atmospheric Circulation on Venus. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Planetary Science. 2019
Stephen R. Lewis, Jonathan Dawson, Sebastien Lebonnois, Masaru Yamamoto. Modeling efforts. Towards Understanding the Climate of Venus: Applications of Terrestrial Models to Our Sister Planet. 2013. 11. 111-127
Sebastien Lebonnois, Christopher Lee, Masaru Yamamoto, Jonathan Dawson, Stephen R. Lewis, Joao Mendonca, Peter Read, Helen F. Parish, Gerald Schubert, Lennart Bengtsson, et al. Models of venus atmosphere. Towards Understanding the Climate of Venus: Applications of Terrestrial Models to Our Sister Planet. 2013. 11. 129-156