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論文 (70件):
星野, 優, 西條, 広起, 辰巳, 徳史, 有廣, 誠二, 岡部, 正隆, 猿田, 雅之, 日下部, 守昭, 橋本, 尚詞, ホシノ, アツシ, サイジョウ, ヒロキ, et al. The Role of Tenascin C During the Development of DSS Induced Colitis (Original). Jikeikai medical journal. 2021. 68. 3. 67-79
Hisashi Hashimoto, Tomonori Kawabe, Takahiro Fukuda, Moriaki Kusakabe. A Novel Ataxic Mutant Mouse Line Having Sensory Neuropathy Shows Heavy Iron Deposition in Kidney. NEURODEGENERATIVE DISEASES. 2017. 17. 4-5. 181-198
Atsushi Hoshino, Hisashi Hashimoto, Seiji Arihiro, Hiroshi Ozaki, Masayuki Saruta, Moriaki Kusakabe. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) of BALB/cA have more protected effect against the inflammation of dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) induced colitis than those of C57BL. JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY. 2016. 31. 142-143