J-GLOBAL ID:201001019536781910   更新日: 2024年05月04日

金 聖潤

キム ソンユン | KIM Seong-Yun
職名: 准教授
ホームページURL (1件): http://www.qse.tohoku.ac.jp/lab/nfs/
研究分野 (2件): 原子力工学 ,  無機・錯体化学
研究キーワード (8件): 再処理 ,  放射性廃棄物処理 ,  分離化学 ,  アクチノイド化学 ,  イオン性液体 ,  電気化学 ,  ウラン錯体 ,  錯体化学
競争的資金等の研究課題 (9件):
  • 2022 - 2027 共有結合性有機構造体等を用いた核種の簡素化分離プロセスと有効利用技術の開発
  • 2016 - 2021 イオン液体含浸吸着材を用いた高レベル廃液の核種分離プロセスの開発とその医療応用
  • 2017 - 2020 超高速中性子と高レベル廃棄物の有効利用による革新的核変換核融合炉の提案
  • 2015 - 2020 超高感度半導体臭化タリウムを用いた散乱吸収一体型コンプトンカメラの開発
  • 2015 - 2018 がん放射線治療の医療事故回避のための治療ビーム実測に基づく体内線量イメージング
論文 (166件):
  • Masahiko Kubota, Seong Yun Kim, Hao Wu, Sou Watanabe, Yuichi Sano, Masayuki Takeuchi, Tsuyoshi Arai. Development of a process for the separation of MA(III) from Ln(III) f ission products using HONTA impregnated adsorbent. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. 2024. 1-8
  • Naoki Osawa, Seong-Yun Kim, Masahiko Kubota, Hao Wu, Sou Watanabe, Tatsuya Ito, Ryuji Nagaishi. Adsorption behavior of platinum-group metals and Co-existing metal ions from simulated high-level liquid waste using HONTA and Crea impregnated adsorbent. Nuclear Engineering and Technology. 2023. 56. 3. 812-818
  • Seong-Yun Kim, Taiga Kawamura, Hao Wu. Adsorption and separation of yttrium(III) and strontium(II) in acidic solutions using a diglycolamic acid-grafted adsorbent. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. 2023. 332. 7. 3001-3008
  • Hao Wu, Naoki Osawa, Masahiko Kubota, Seong-Yun Kim. Preparation of a Covalent Organic Framework-Modified Silica-Gel Composite for the Effective Adsorption of Pd (II), Zr (IV), and Mo (VI) From Nitric Acid Solution. Proceedings of ICAPP 2023. 2023. 1409. 1-8
  • Masahiko Kubota, Naoki Osawa, Hao Wu, Seong-Yun Kim. Development of a simplified separation of heat-generating and platinum group elements from high-level liquid waste using impregnated silica-based adsorbent. Proceedings of ICAPP 2023. 2023. 1413. 1-9
特許 (1件):
講演・口頭発表等 (29件):
  • Adsorption Behavior of Platinum Group Metals from Simulated High-Level Liquid Waste using HONTA and Crea Impregnated Silica-Based Adsorbent
    (2023 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants in conjunction with 38th Korea Atomic Power Annual Conference (ICAPP 2023 / 38th KAP Conference) 2023)
  • Preparation of a Covalent Organic Framework-Modified Silica-Gel Composite for the Effective Adsorption of Pd(II), Zr(IV) and Mo(VI) From Nitric Acid Solution
    (2023 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants in conjunction with 38th Korea Atomic Power Annual Conference (ICAPP 2023 / 38th KAP Conference) 2023)
  • Development of a Simplified Separation Process for Heat-generating and Platinum Group Metals from High-Level Liquid Waste Using Impregnated Silica-based Adsorbent
    (2023 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants in conjunction with 38th Korea Atomic Power Annual Conference (ICAPP 2023 / 38th KAP Conference) 2023)
  • Adsorption behaviors of a 2D covalent organic framework toward Pd(II) in acid solution
    (日本原子力学会「2023年春の年会」 2023)
  • Chromatographic Separation Properties of Metal Ions from Simulated High-level Liquid Waste Using Sulfur-containing AmicAcid-functionalized Silica gel
    (International Symposium on Zero-Carbon Energy Systems (IZES) 2023)
学歴 (2件):
  • - 1998 東京工業大学 理工学研究科 原子核工学専攻
  • - 1995 東京工業大学 理工学研究科 原子核工学専攻
学位 (1件):
  • 博士(工学) (東京工業大学)
委員歴 (4件):
  • 2015/05 - 現在 六ヶ所村まち・ひと・しごと創生会議 委員
  • 2015/02 - 2017/03 青森県原子力人材育成・研究開発拠点施設運営検討委員会 委員
  • 2014/08 - 第11回日本加速器学会年会 実行委員会・実行委員
  • 2013/09 - 日本原子力学会「2013年秋の大会」 現地委員会・委員
受賞 (5件):
  • 2023/04 - ICAPP 2023 Best Paper Award Adsorption Behavior of Platinum Group Metals from Simulated High-Level Liquid Waste using HONTA and Crea Impregnated Silica-Based Adsorbent
  • 2021/05 - Analytical Sciences Hot Article Award Adsorption Performances of an Acid-stable 2D Covalent Organic Framework towards Palladium(II) in Simulated High-level Liquid Waste
  • 2019/03 - 日本原子力学会 日本原子力学会誌最多引用論文賞(2018年度) Equilibrium and kinetic studies of selective adsorption and separation for strontium using DtBuCH18C6 loaded resin
  • 2016/11 - INES-5, Tokyo Institute of Technology Poster Award Study on Effects of γ-ray Irradiation on Thiodiglycolamide Type Extractant Impregnated Adsorbent for separation of Platinum Group Metals from High Level Liquid Waste
  • 2011/12 - GLOBAL 2011 Best Poster Award Study on Absorption of Radioactive Iodine in Nitric Acid Solution Using Hydroxylamine Nitrate
所属学会 (2件):
日本イオン交換学会 ,  日本原子力学会
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