Naoki Shigematsu, Yuta Miyamoto, Shigeyuki Esumi, Takaichi Fukuda. The anterolateral barrel subfield differs from the posteromedial barrel subfield in the morphology and cell density of parvalbumin-positive GABAergic interneurons. eneuro. 2024. ENEURO.0518-22.2024
Shigeru Ogata, Yuta Miyamoto, Naoki Shigematsu, Shigeyuki Esumi, Takaichi Fukuda. The tail of the mouse striatum contains a novel large type of GABAergic neuron incorporated in a unique disinhibitory pathway that relays auditory signals to subcortical nuclei. The Journal of Neuroscience. 2022. JN-RM
Shigematsu N, Nishi A, Fukuda T. Gap Junctions Interconnect Different Subtypes of Parvalbumin-Positive Interneurons in Barrels and Septa with Connectivity Unique to Each Subtype. Cereb Cortex. 2019. 29. 4. 1414-1429
Gap junctions mediate the connectivity among different subtypes of parvalbumin-positive interneurons in layer 4 of the mouse barrel cortex
(Society for neuroscience 2018)
A new type of striatal neurons characterized by their large size, immunoreactivity with the antibody SMI-32, and selective distribution in the most caudal striatum
(Society for Neuroscience 2018)