伊藤 健一. 楳田登美男: 数理物理における固有値問題. サイエンス社「数理科学」. 2016. 54. 4. p. 60
伊藤 健一. N. Lerner: Metrics on the Phase Space and Non-Selfadjoint Pseudo-Differential Operators (Pseudo Diff. Oper., 3). 日本数学会雑誌「数学」. 2014. 66. 4. p. 421.
Schr"odinger equations on scattering manifolds and microlocal singularities. RIMS K\oky\uroku Bessatsu. 2010. B16
Stationary scattering theory on manifold with ends (4回連続講演)
(Tokyo-Berkeley Mathematics Workshop "Partial Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics" 2017)
Resolvent expansions for the Schrödinger operator on the discrete half-line
(HMAセミナー・冬の研究会 2017 2017)
Branching form of the resolvent at threshold for discrete Laplacians
(研究集会「第27回 数理物理と微分方程式」 2016)
Branching form of the resolvent at threshold for discrete Laplacians
(QMath13: Mathematical Results in Quantum Physics 2016)
Branching form of the resolvent at threshold for discrete Laplacians
(Math/Phys Seminar 2016)