Akito Otubo, Sho Maejima, Takumi Oti, Keita Satoh, Yasumasa Ueda, John F Morris, Tatsuya Sakamoto, Hirotaka Sakamoto. Immunoelectron Microscopic Characterization of Vasopressin-Producing Neurons in the Hypothalamo-Pituitary Axis of Non-Human Primates by Use of Formaldehyde-Fixed Tissues Stored at -25 °C for Several Years. International journal of molecular sciences. 2021. 22. 17
Keita Satoh, Emi Kiyokage, Satoshi Ichikawa, Kazunori Toida. Variations in GABA immunoreactivity among granule cells of the mouse olfactory bulb, as revealed by high-voltage electron microscopy. Neuroscience letters. 2020. 738. 135386-135386
Natsuko Kawakami, Akito Otubo, Sho Maejima, Ashraf H Talukder, Keita Satoh, Takumi Oti, Keiko Takanami, Yasumasa Ueda, Keiichi Itoi, John F Morris, et al. Variation of pro-vasopressin processing in parvocellular and magnocellular neurons in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus: Evidence from the vasopressin-related glycopeptide copeptin. The Journal of comparative neurology. 2020. 529. 7. 1372-1390
T. Ito, T. Oti, K. Takanami, K. Satoh, Y. Ueda, T. Sakamoto, H. Sakamoto. A sexually dimorphic peptidergic system in the lower spinal cord controlling penile function in non-human primates. Spinal Cord. 2018. 56. 1. 57-62