Natsumi Kanzaki, Shun’ichi Makino, Hajime Kosaka, Katsuhiko Sayama, Keiko Hamaguchi, Shinji Narayama. Nematode and Strepsipteran Parasitism in Bait-Trapped and Hand-Collected Hornets (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Vespa). Insects. 2023. 14. 4. 398-398
Natsumi Kanzaki, Hajime Kosaka, Yuta Fujimori, Mitsuteru Akiba. On the phylogenetic status of Contortylenchus genitalicola Kosaka & Ogura, 1993. Nematology. 2023. 25. 5. 543-548
H. Kosaka, K. Sayama, K. Okabe, S. Makino. Stylopized hornets (Vespa, Vespidae) as preferred hosts of the parasitic mite Charletonia southcotti (Erythraeidae, Acari). Insectes Sociaux. 2021. 68. 4. 371-374
Natsumi Kanzaki, Kaku Tsuda, Mitsuteru Akiba, Taisuke Ekino, Takuo Sawahata, Hajime Kosaka. Phylogenetic status of Iotonchium Cobb, 1920 and a note on the distribution of I. ungulatum Aihara, 2001. Nematology. 2021. 1-5
Dieter Slos, Vladimir V. Yushin, Myriam Claeys, Elena S. Ivanova, Hajime Kosaka, Wim Bert. Structure, development, and evolutive patterns of spermatozoa in rhabditid nematodes (Nematoda: Rhabditida). Journal of Morphology. 2020