Ryutaro Matsui, Yuji Fukuda, Yasuaki Kishimoto. Study of the underlying physics of CSBA (Converging Shock-based Blow-off Acceleration) and the extension to two-dimensional rod/string configuration. 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics (AAPPS) 2020. 2020
Ryutaro Matsui, Yuji Fukuda, Yasuaki Kishimoto. Quasimonoenergetic protons driven by CSBA (converging shock-induced blow-off acceleration) in a micron-scale hydrogen cluster. High Energy Density Sciences (HEDS) 2020. 2020
A new acceleration scheme to obtain high-purity sub-GeV protons by utilizing an explosion dynamics of laser-irradiated solid/liquid hydrogen medium
(8th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics 2024)
Methodology of controlling HED plasma by the interaction between a high-intensity laser and structured targets
(17th Kudowa Summer School 2024)
Control of multiscale expansion/relaxation dynamics of micro-structured designed targets irradiated with high-intensity lasers
Exploring high energy density plasmas with exotic character by the interaction between high intensity laser and CNT/rod assembly
(International Conference on High Energy Density Sciences (HEDS) 2023 2023)
Generation of HED plasma regulated by magnetic field from structured medium
(International Conference on High Energy Density Sciences (HEDS) 2022 2022)