Hideki Sato, Masaharu Maeda, Yui Takebayashi, Noriko Setou, Jiro Shimada, Yumiko Kanari. Impact of Unexpected In-House Major COVID-19 Outbreaks on Depressive Symptoms among Healthcare Workers: A Retrospective Multi-Institutional Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2023
佐藤秀樹, 前田正治, 小林智之, 竹林 唯. COVID-19禍における勤労者の心理社会的負担--テキストマイニングを用いた探索的検討--. Journal of Health Psychology Research. 2023. 35. 2. 111-120
A systematic review on the minimally important change for the PHQ-9 depression scale
(The 31st Annual Conference of the International Society for Quality of Life Research 2024)
International Society for Quality of Life Research
, Association for Psychological Science
, American Psychological Association
, 日本認知療法・認知行動療法学会
, 日本認知・行動療法学会
, 日本心理学会