2021 - 2023 Investigation of nucleus accumbens subpopulations controlling reward and aversive learning
2016 - 2021 報酬/目的指向行動の神経回路機構
2016 - 2019 プレパルスインヒビションの神経回路機構
2015 - 2019 認知行動と精神神経疾患病態における大脳基底核神経回路機構とその破綻
論文 (27件):
Yoshiatsu Aomine, Yuto Shimo, Koki Sakurai, Mayuka Abe, Tom Macpherson, Takaaki Ozawa, Takatoshi Hikida. Sex-dependent differences in the ability of nicotine to modulate discrimination learning and cognitive flexibility in mice. Journal of neurochemistry. 2024
Yoshiatsu Aomine, Yoshinobu Oyama, Koki Sakurai, Tom Macpherson, Takaaki Ozawa, Takatoshi Hikida. Clozapine N-oxide, compound 21, and JHU37160 do not influence effortful reward-seeking behavior in mice. Psychopharmacology. 2023
Tom Macpherson, Claire I. Dixon, Jonathan Robertson, Marsha M. Sindarto, Patricia H. Janak, Delia Belelli, Jeremy J. Lambert, David N. Stephens, Sarah L. King. α4-containing GABAAreceptors on DRD2-neurons of the nucleus accumbens mediate instrumental responding for conditioned reinforcers, and its potentiation by cocaine. eNeuro. 2023. ENEURO.0236-23.2023
Suthinee Attachaipanich, Takaaki Ozawa, Tom Macpherson, Takatoshi Hikida. Dual roles for nucleus accumbens core dopamine D1-expressing neurons projecting to the substantia nigra pars reticulata in limbic and motor control in male mice. eNeuro. 2023. ENEURO.0082-23.2023
Tadaaki Nishioka, Suthinee Attachaipanich, Kosuke Hamaguchi, Michael Lazarus, Alban de Kerchove d’Exaerde, Tom Macpherson, Takatoshi Hikida. Error-related signaling in nucleus accumbens D2 receptor-expressing neurons guides inhibition-based choice behavior in mice. Nature Communications. 2023. 14. 1
Tom Macpherson, Takatoshi Hikida. Nucleus Accumbens D1 Receptor-Expressing Neurons Control Autoshaping Behavior. NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY. 2017. 43. S287-S287
Takatoshi Hikida, Makiko Morita, Mahomi Kuroiwa, Tom Macpherson, Taichi Itou, Takahide Shuto, Naoki Sotogaku, Minae Niwa, Akira Sawa, Akinori Nishi. Social Isolated DISC1 Mutant Mice Displayed High Sensitivity to Chronic Cocaine Exposure and Rolipram Treatment. NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY. 2015. 40. S249-S249
疋田 貴俊, 森田 真規子, マクファーソン・トム, 伊藤 大一, 丹羽 美苗, 黒岩 真帆美, 澤 明, 西 昭徳. 社会的ストレス下においてDISC1変異マウスのコカイン感受性はPDE4により制御される(Cocaine-induced behavioral sensitization is regulated by PDE4 in social stressed DISC1 mutant mice). 日本生物学的精神医学会・日本神経精神薬理学会合同年会プログラム・抄録集. 2015. 37回・45回. 189-189
講演・口頭発表等 (26件):
Striatal control of cue-guided decision-making and its impairment in psychiatric conditions
(47th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (JNS) 2024)
Striatal mechanisms guiding reward, aversion, and decision-making
(Inscopix Webinar 2024)
Error-related signaling in nucleus accumbens D2 receptor-expressing neurons guides inhibition-based choice behavior
(Molecular and Cellular Cognition Society (MCCS) Meeting 2023)
Striatal mechanisms of discrimination learning and their dysfunction in psychiatric conditions
(5th Annual Meeting of the UK-Japan Neuroscience Sympsoium 2023)
Striatal mechanisms of cue-guided decision-making and its dysfunction in schizophrenia model mice
(46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (JNS) 2023)