Hirofumi Maniwa, Mayumi Abe, Masamichi Suzuki, Yoshihiko Kitagawa, Yusuke Hoshino, Reika Oda, Hajime Yamamoto, Seong Min Hong, Kazuhiro Ito. Low-temperature Toughness Increase for Austenitic Stainless Steel Weld Metal for Cryogenic Use. IIW-II-A, Annual Assembly 2023. 2023. E2
HONG SEONG MIN, Shinichi Tashiro, Hee-Seon Bang, Manabu Tanaka. Effect of Gap Bridging Distance on the Weldability of Aluminum Alloy to Galvanized Steel Joints in AC pulse GMAW. Metals and Materials International. 2022
Seong Min Hong, Shinichi Tashiro, Hee-Seon Bang, Manabu Tanaka. Numerical analysis of the effect of heat loss by zinc evaporation on aluminum alloy to hot-dip galvanized steel joints by electrode negative polarity ratio varied AC pulse gas metal arc welding. Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 2021. 69. 671-683
Seong Min Hong, Shinichi Tashiro, Hee-Seon Bang, Manabu Tanaka. A Study on the Effect of Current Waveform on Intermetallics Formation and the Weldability of Dissimilar Materials Welded Joints (AA5052 Alloy-GI Steel) in AC Pulse GMAW. Metals. 2021. 11. 4
Sarizam Bin Mamat, Shinichi Tashiro, Mohamad Najmi Masri, Seong Min Hong, Hee-Seon Bang, Manabu Tanaka. Application of pulse plasma MIG welding process to Al/steel dissimilar joining. Welding in the World. 2020. 64. 857-871
洪 聖旻, 植村 幹太, 三上 欣希, 德永 仁寿, 富士本 博紀, 伊藤 和博. Effect of Offset Distance on the Solidification Crack Initiation in the Carbon Steel Plate for the Melt-run Laser Welding. 2023年度秋季全国大会, 富山県富山市. 2023
Friction stir welding (FSW) : advances in research and applications
Nova Science Pub. 2019 ISBN:9781536153842
講演・口頭発表等 (19件):
Thin plates welding for automobiles
(接合科学研究所同窓会2023年度ウインターフェス 2024)
Numerical analysis on the Effect of Heat Loss by Zinc Evaporation in Aluminum alloy - GI steel Joining by AC Pulse GMAW
(2024 Japan Welding Society Young Researcher Study Group 2023)
Effect of Additional Magnetic Field Direction on the Weldability of Dissimilar Materials (Aluminum alloy - GI steel) Joints in MIG welding
(Japan Welding Society Fall 2021 - JWS 2021 Fall 2021)
A Numerical Analysis on the Effect of Zinc Evaporation at the Joint Interface in Hot-dip Galvanized Steel to Aluminum Alloy Joining by AC Pulse GMAW
(International Institute of Welding Annual Assembly 2021 - IIW 2021 2021)
Weldability of Dissimilar Materials (AA5052 Aluminium Alloy - Galvannealed High Strength Steel) Joints by Direct Current Pulsed Gas Metal Arc Welding
(International Conference on Bioengineering and Technology - IConBET 2021 2021)
2018 - The Korean Welding and Joining Society Excellent Award in Presentation Prediction of IMC Thickness in Laser assisted Hybrid Friction Stir Welded joint of Dissimilar Materials(Al5052-DP590) by Numerical Analysis
所属学会 (3件):
American Welding Society
, Japan Welding Society
, The Korean Welding and Joining Society