J-GLOBAL ID:202301018303473968
更新日: 2024年10月01日 チカス サントス ダニエル
チカス サントス ダニエル | Chicas Santos Daniel
所属機関・部署: 研究キーワード (1件):
論文 (30件): -
Yan Du, Hui Liu, Heng Li, Mowen Xie, Santos D. Chicas, Jidong Wu, Fuxia Lv, Yaxin Wu. Exploring the initiating mechanism, monitoring equipment and warning indicators of gully-type debris flow for disaster reduction: a review. Natural Hazards. 2024
Santos Daniel Chicas, Heng Li, Nobuya Mizoue, Tetsuji Ota, Yan Du, Márk Somogyvári. Landslide susceptibility mapping core-base factors and models’ performance variability: a systematic review. Natural Hazards. 2024
Yan Du, Heng Li, Santos D. Chicas, Mowen Xie, Weikang Lu, Lize Ning, Jingnan Liu. Mechanical Identification Method of Amplitude Warning False Alarm Points Based on Dynamical Time-Frequency Domain Analysis. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 2024
Eduardo Estevan Barrientos, Hiraku Tanoiri, Kiyoshi Omine, V. Sivasankar, Santos D. Chicas. Microplastic Contamination and Extraction Methods in East Asia: Implications for Marine Ecosystems and Mitigation Strategies. Microplastics and Pollutants. 2024
Santos Daniel Chicas, Jair Gaspar Valladarez, Kiyoshi Omine, Venkataraman Sivasankar, Sangyeob Kim. Spatiotemporal distribution, trend, forecast, and influencing factors of transboundary and local air pollutants in Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan. Scientific Reports. 2023. 13. 1
もっと見る 書籍 (1件): - Cleaner Production Opportunities for the Sugar Industry in Belize: Integrating the Concept of Clean Production in the Belize Sugar Industry
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing 2011 ISBN:9783838302706
講演・口頭発表等 (4件): -
Groundwater benzene levels and risk in Madurai, south India- A Kriging based analytical approach.
(Geo-environmental Engineering 2017)
Deforestation along the Maya Mountain Massif Belize-Guatemala border
(the International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences 2016)
Forest cover change and soil erosion in Toledo's Rio Grande watershed
(the International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences 2015)
Detecting forest change and disturbance in the Toledo district, Belize
(35th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing 2014)
学歴 (2件): - 2014 - 2017 長崎大学 工学部
- 2006 - 2008 National Central University Engineering
経歴 (4件): - 2023/03 - 現在 九州大学 大学院農学研究院
- 2021/01 - 2023/02 Humboldt University of Berlin Geography
- 2017/04 - 2020/12 University of Belize Natural Resource Management
- 2013/09 - 2017/03 長崎大学 工学部
受賞 (4件): - 2013/08 - Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology PhD scholarship
- 2013/05 - Organization of American State Professional development award
- 2012/06 - UNEP/UNESCO/BM Environmental Management for Developing and Emerging Countries fellowship award.
- 2006/06 - International Cooperation and Development Fund International Cooperation and Development Fund Scholarship, Taiwan