Daeun Kim, Fumiaki Hanzawa, Hatsumi Shimizu, Shumin Sun, Miki Umeki, Saiko Ikeda, Satoshi Mochizuki, Hiroaki Oda. Delayed feeding of a high-sucrose diet led to increased body weight by affecting the circadian rhythm of body temperature and hepatic lipid-metabolism genes in rats. The Journal of nutritional biochemistry. 2023. 111. 109185-109185
Shumin Sun, Yuki Araki, Fumiaki Hanzawa, Miki Umeki, Takaaki Kojima, Naomichi Nishimura, Saiko Ikeda, Satoshi Mochizuki, Hiroaki Oda. High sucrose diet-induced dysbiosis of gut microbiota promotes fatty liver and hyperlipidemia in rats. The Journal of nutritional biochemistry. 2021. 93. 108621-108621
ハーブと健康 <食 Up to Date> (共著)
金芳堂 2005 ISBN:4765311678
明治図書 2000 ISBN:4187180036
はまの出版 1999 ISBN:4893612921
講演・口頭発表等 (123件):
(平成22年度日本水産学会春季大会 2010)
Freshwater clam extract exerts a hypocholesterolemic effect through changes in multiple gene expressions of hepatic lipogenesis and bile acid synthesis in rats
(日本農芸化学会2010年度大会 2010)