J-GLOBAL ID:200901005391127980
Update date: Dec. 18, 2024 Funatsuki Wakako
フナツキ ワカコ | Funatsuki Wakako
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Coordinator, Industry-Academia Collaboration
Research field (1):
Plant genetics and breeding
Research keywords (8):
processing quality
, rice
, 小麦
, 育種
, ソバ
, wheat
, breeding
, Buckwheat
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3): - 2012 - 2015 Identification of the gene responsible for rice endosperm mutation that accumulates starch with low gelatinization temperature, and evaluation of the mutant as a novel starch material.
- 1.小麦の製パン性に関わるグルテニンサブユニットの解析と育種への応用
- 1. Analysis on glutenin subunits associated with bread-making quality of wheat
Papers (51): -
Shuichi Matsuba, Wakako Maruyama-Funatsuki, Takayuki Umemoto, Hideki Kato, Makoto Kuroki, Narifumi Yokogami, Tomohito Ikegaya, Hiroyuki Shimizu, Norio Iriki. The induced mutant allele <i>flo4-303</i> confers floury characteristics on the japonica rice cultivar ‘Hoshinoko’. Breeding Science. 2022. 72. 5. 383-388
Mikiko Yanaka, Kanenori Takata, Wakako Funatsuki, Naoyuki Ishikawa. Effects of the composition of glutenin subunits at glu-a1 and glu-d1 loci and protein content in japanese soft wheat on the japanese sponge cake and cookie quality. Japanese Journal of Crop Science. 2021. 90. 1. 43-51
- Takata Kanenori, Yanaka Mikiko, Ishikawa Naoyuki, Ban Yusuke, Kato Keita, Funatsuki Wakako, M. Ikeda Tatsuya. "Harumizuki", a hard wheat cultivar with good bread-making quality for western Japan. Breeding Research. 2020
- Improving Fusarium head blight resistance by introducing the QTLs from bread wheat in durum wheat. 2018. 18. 29-39
- 谷中美貴子, 高田兼則, 船附稚子, 石川直幸, 高橋肇. 日本麺用コムギにおけるGlu-A1座とGlu-D1座支配のグルテニンサブユニット構成,タンパク質含有率の違いが製麺適性に及ぼす影響. 日本作物学会紀事. 2017. 86. 2. 169-176
more... MISC (39): - 谷中美貴子, 谷中美貴子, 高田兼則, 石川直幸, 船附稚子, 伴雄介, 加藤啓太. 多収で製粉性と製麺適性に優れる日本麺用コムギ品種「びわほなみ」の育成. 育種学研究. 2019. 21. 140
- 谷中 美貴子, 高田 兼則, 石川 直幸, 船附 稚子, 長嶺 敬. New Durum Wheat Cultivar 'Setodure' with Good Pasta-making Quality. 農研機構研究報告 西日本農業研究センター = Bulletin of the NARO, Agricultural Research for Western Region. 2018. 18. 13-28
- 加藤 啓太, 船附 稚子, 谷中 美貴子, 伴 雄介, 大楠 秀樹, 田中 智樹, 高田 兼則. Improving Fusarium head blight resistance by introducing the QTLs from bread wheat in durum wheat. 農研機構研究報告 西日本農業研究センター = Bulletin of the NARO, Agricultural Research for Western Region. 2018. 18. 29-39
- 谷中 美貴子, 高田 兼則, 石川 直幸, 船附 稚子, 長嶺 敬. 瀬戸内地域で栽培可能な日本初のデュラム小麦品種「セトデュール」の育成. 日本作物学会中国支部研究集録. 2016. 56. 0. 8-9
Relationship between allelic variation on glutenin loci affecting gluten quality and bread-making qualities of winter wheat. 2015. 82. 2. 169-175
more... Patents (4): -
Education (2): - Hokkaido University Faculty of Agriculture
- 筑波大学大学院修士課程バイオシステム研究科バイオシステム学専攻
Professional career (1): - Doctor (Applied Agricultural Science) (Hokkaido University)
Work history (4): - 1997/04 - Hokkaido Experiment Station, MAFF
- 1995/04 - 1997/03 :農林水産省農研センター
- 1990/04 - 1993/03 :(株)ポッカコーポレーション中央研究所
- 研究員
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 日本分子生物学会
, 日本育種学会
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