J-GLOBAL ID:200901009450500360
Update date: Sep. 26, 2022
Sakurai Hidetoshi
サクライ ヒデトシ | Sakurai Hidetoshi
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (1):
Food sciences
Research keywords (4):
, 食品化学
, Utilization of Agricultural Products
, Food Chemistry
Research theme for competitive and other funds (14):
- 生活習慣病に対する日本ワサビ成分の予防医学的研究
- 生活習慣病に対するアセロラ成分の予防医学的研究
- 生活習慣病に対するハイオレイック落花生成分の予防医学的研究
- 生活習慣病に対するハイオレイック落花生、アセロラおよびジャンボリーキの予防医学的研究
- マタタビ葉部の抗高脂血作用と商品化戦略
- 陸ワサビの揮発性成分とその生理作用
- デヒドロアスコルビン酸と大豆レシチンとの褐変反応に関する研究
- Preventive Effects of Components of Japanese Horseradish against Life-Style Related Diseases
- Preventive Effects of Components of Acerola Fruit against Life-Style Related Diseases
- Preventive Effects of Components of High-Oleic Peanuts against Life-Style Related Diseases
- Preventive effects of components of high-oleic peanuts, acerola cherry and jumbo leek against life-style related diseases
- Antilipemic effect of matatabi leaves and their marketing strategic for creative commodity
- Volatile components of Upland Wasabi (Wasabia japonica f. ┣DBterrestris(/)-┫DB) and their physiological activities.
- Study on browning reaction of dehydroascorbic acid with soy-bean lecithin
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MISC (237):
櫻井 英敏, 内田あゆみ, 熊谷日登美, 赤尾真, 松藤寛, 荻原淳, 櫻井英敏, 関口一郎. ジャンボリーキ(大粒ニラネギ)のスルフィド発現機構に関わる含有成分の検索とその主な前駆体の同定. 日本食品科学工学会誌. 2009. in press
櫻井 英敏, 嶋崎恵理子, 佐野友子, 熊谷日登美, 櫻井英敏, 熊谷仁. 大豆グロブリンの脱アミド化に伴う親水性の向上とゲル化特性の変化. 日食科工誌. 2008. 9. 1. 67-73
櫻井 英敏, 櫻井 英敏. 「ピーナッツは太る」は間違いで渋皮ごと食べれば肥満、老化、ガン、ボケを撃退. 爽快. 2008. 35. 3. 162-163
櫻井 英敏, 内田あゆみ, 陶 慧, 荻原 淳, 松藤 寛, 太田 恵教, 櫻井 英敏. ジャンボリーキの糖尿病モデルラットへの血糖値および肝臓への影響について. 日食科工誌. 2008
櫻井 英敏, M. Akao, T. Shibuya, S. Shimada, H. Sakurai, H. Kumagai. Antihypercholesterolemic activity of saponins from green tea leaves. J.Clinical Biochem Nutr. 2008
Books (1):
日本大学総長指定総合研究報告書 2000
Lectures and oral presentations (25):
(アカデミックプラザ 2005)
Antioxidant activity of Acerola extracts
(26th World Congress and Exhibition of the ISF (International Society for Fat Research), Prague, czech Republic 2005)
Antioxidants from peanut skins
(26th World Congress and Exhibition of the ISF (International Society for Fat Research), Prague, czech Republic 2005)
Effects of antioxidants on lipid change in pet foods
(26th World Congress and Exhibition of the ISF (International Society for Fat Research), Prague, czech Republic 2005)
The browning reactions of aminoacids in peanut oils and peanut butters
(26th World Congress and Exhibition of the ISF (International Society for Fat Research), Prague, czech Republic 2005)
Works (8):
2002 - 2002
Preventive effects of components of silver vine leaves against life-style related diseaseso
2002 - 2002
1997 - 2000
Preventive Effects of Components of Traditional Peanuts against Life-Style Related Diseases
1997 - 2000
1998 - 1998
Education (2):
- - 1966 Nihon University
- - 1966 Nihon University Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine
Professional career (1):
- Ph.D. of Agriculture (Nihon University)
Committee career (2):
- 2000 - 2001 日本食品工業学会 関東支部評議員
- 1989 - 1990 日本農芸化学会 関東支部幹事
Association Membership(s) (5):
, 日本栄養・食糧学会
, 日本食品工業学会
, 日本香辛料研究会
, 凍結乾燥研究会
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