J-GLOBAL ID:200901074215285806
Update date: Oct. 17, 2024 Ono Naoki
オノ ナオキ | Ono Naoki
Affiliation and department: Research field (2):
Thermal engineering
, Fluid engineering
Research keywords (1):
熱工学 伝熱工学 マイクロチャンネル マイクロマシン ナノテクノロジー
Research theme for competitive and other funds (11): - 2022 - 2026 輻射加熱下における壁面上の水膜形成過程の可視化および輻射遮蔽効果の定量的解明
- 2021 - 2024 Elongation of liquid film in wick by utilizing low-voltage horizontal-field electrowetting technique
- 2019 - 2023 Shape measurement and dry-out mechanisms of a falling liquid film on a wall under thermal radiation
- 2018 - 2021 A new rapid mixing technique in slag flow using the Marangoni effect
- 2015 - 2018 Improvement aiming at high performance of gas separating device with Soret effect by applying consecutive microstructure
- 2012 - 2015 Development of a microfluidic device for gas separation utilizing the Soret effect
- 2009 - 2011 A study on cooling technique for mini-scale area by boiling heat transfer with impinging flow using nonlinear solutions
- 2004 - 2005 (3)表面張力を利用したマイクロチャンネルの液輸送性能向上に関する数値モデルによる研究
- 2004 - 2005 マイクロ流体機器内の細棒形状物体の力学挙動に関する数値モデルによる研究
- 2004 - 2005 マイクロチャンネル回転流れを用いた混合器に関する数値モデルによる研究
- 非線形サーモキャピラリ溶液のマイクロチャンネル内の蒸発伝熱について
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Papers (38): -
Akira Sukma Prawira GREGORIUS, Shunsuke SASAKI, Shuhei HAYASHI, Tatsuhiko AIZAWA, Naoki ONO. Relationship between heat flux and bubble population density in heat transfer enhancement of flow boiling using microstructured surfaces. Journal of Thermal Science and Technology. 2024. 19. 1. 23-00517
T.Machida, S.Kobayashi, K.Masuda, N.Ono. Development of a process for thin metal plates with electromagnetic pressure and surface tension. Journal of Thermal Science and Technology (JSME), Vol.18(2023), No.1, p1-15. 2023
Takeshi KYODA, Takumi SAIKI, Sohei MATSUMOTO, Shinya WATANABE, Naoki ONO. Performance improvement of a micro-structured gas separator utilizing the Soret effect. Journal of Thermal Science and Technology. 2022. 17. 1. 21-00271
小野陽広, 鈴木大介, 佐藤圭祐, 小野直樹. 塗布乾燥時の液流動が及ぼす蒸発への影響および蒸発速度の推算. 成型加工 Seikei-Kakou,Vol.33, April, 2021, pp135-141. 2021. 33. 135-141
Takumi Saiki, Naoki Ono, Sohei Matsumoto, Shinya Watanabe. Separation of a binary gas mixture by thermal diffusion in a two-dimensional cascade of many small cavities. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 163 (2020) 120394. 2020. 163
more... MISC (14): Patents (3): -
Books (13): - Mechanics in surface tension related phenomena in English and Japanese
Kyoritsu publishing 2024 ISBN:9784320140028
- 二次電池の材料に関する最新技術開発
(株)技術情報協会 2022
- 電子機器の放熱・冷却技術と部材の開発
(株)技術情報協会 2021
- マイクロ・ナノ熱工学の進展
NTS(マイクロ・ナノ熱工学の進展編集委員会編) 2021
- フロー合成、連続生産の装置、プロセス設計と応用事例
(株)技術情報協会 2020
more... Lectures and oral presentations (95): -
Study of dependence on nozzle form and visualization of flow in liquid film drying in processing coating materials
(18th SEATUC Symposium(2024, Feb.27-28),Track No.IS01,Paper No.28. 2024)
Prototype Study of Micro-structured Particle Separator Utilizing Thermophoresis
(18th SEATUC Symposium(2024, Feb.27-28),Track No.IS01,Paper No.31. 2024)
Performance Improvement of Gas Separator with Micro-Network Structure Utilizing the Soret Effect
(18th SEATUC Symposium(2024, Feb.27-28),Track No.IS01,Paper No.30. 2024)
Heat Transfer Enhancement of Flow Boiling with Copper Heated Surface Having Microstructures and Relationship between Heat Flux and Bubble Point Density
(20th International Conference on Flow Dynamics, OS21-6, November 6-8, 2023, Sendai, Japan. 2023)
Marangoni convection with supplying pure water in a rotating system during wafer drying
(20th International Conference on Flow Dynamics, OS21-13, November 6-8, 2023, Sendai, Japan. 2023)
more... Education (4): - 1998 - 東京大学 博士(工学)取得
- 1993 - 1994 米国マサチューセッツ工科大学材料工学科 客員研究員
- 1985 - 1987 The University of Tokyo
- 1981 - 1985 The University of Tokyo The Faculty of Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering
Professional career (1): Work history (8): - 2010/04 - 現在 芝浦工業大学工学部機械機能工学科教授
- 2005/04 - 2010/03 Shibaura Institute of Technology College of Engineering
- 2003 - 2005/03 三菱住友シリコン(株)技術開発部課長
- 2002 - 三菱住友シリコン(株)技術開発部課長補佐
- 1997 - 三菱マテリアルシリコン(株)開発センター課長補佐
- 1995 - 三菱マテリアル(株)総合研究所研究員
- 1993/07 - 1994/12 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- 1987/04 - 三菱マテリアル(株)総合研究所研究員
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Association Membership(s) (5):
, 応用物理学会
, 化学工学会
, 日本伝熱学会
, 日本機械学会
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